Publication Date: 27/02/2024
Creative Readings: Lectures
Date / Time |
Course |
Speaker |
Title |
28.02.24/ 11:00 |
Línguas e Relações Empresariais |
Maria José Pires |
“Contemporary Insights on Shakespearean Wisdom.” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91673712245?pwd=MDlhdUVEb1hQcXRQKytBZXFCNHlBdz09 |
29.02.24 / 11:00 |
Estudos de Cultura |
Zuzanna Sanches |
“Memory is quite unbearable enough: Elizabeth Bowen and autobiographic writing.” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/95911534393?pwd=WnhidTJEcjhZQ3E5cUc5TFlnYllXdz09 |
08.03.24 / 11:00 Sala 6 |
Comunicação, Cultura e Organizações |
Inês Tadeu F.G. |
“Marta Corey as Constance Goddard Du Bois’ Mnemonic (Re)imagined Romantic woman-as-witch heroine.” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97856425326?pwd=MitJZG5ITjR6cUd6K3UvSzd6a2djdz09 |
19.03.24 / 11:00 Sala 12 |
Estudos de Cultura |
Alda Correia |
“Katherine Mansfield, literary modernism and the short story” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93886364834?pwd=WnBRK3NJZDBBcktCbG5iNXpuRFZLQT09 |
10.04.24 / 14:00 |
Línguas e Relações Empresariais |
Alexandra Cheira |
“Judging a Book by Its Cover: A. S. Byatt’s Possession, Angels and Insects and The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92585361392?pwd=ZTlYQVF6NFpDeWhiTDg1YXFvbTBLQT09 |
12.04.24 / 09:00 |
Comunicação, Cultura e Organizações |
Angélica Varandas |
Beowulf |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98559818407?pwd=VnRsa2VMcTFHV1UySDdmcUZGQzZ5UT09 |
18.04.24 / 16:00 |
Comunicação, Cultura e Organizações |
Luísa Flora |
“A strong personal voice: Doris Lessing’s explorations of the world and the self through fiction.” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/96482527998?pwd=RGFJYlNGa3V5bjNCaVJ0Yk1XMHArZz09 |
30.04.24 / 16:00 |
Línguas e Relações Empresariais |
Elena Bollinger |
“’Getting rid of the old tune’: |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92036538402?pwd=bk5RN3l0MEdEdUN1S2JZVGhSanIrZz09 |
07.05.24 / 11:00 |
Estudos de Cultura |
Ana Raquel Fernandes |
“Intertextuality in Sarah Hall’s fiction” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97284557475?pwd=TXlUUU1vUS8vblM5aVY4eDlha2FIZz09 |
08.05.24 / 11:00 |
Línguas e Relações Empresariais |
Maria Sequeira |
“Jane Austen ” |
https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/94980100262?pwd=Rk9NYTA2TkFtb05jY2pmeFQwbGlsdz09 |
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