Research Center
Centre of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Technology
PISO 01 Gabinete 122
9020-105 - FUNCHAL
Isoplexis, the Centre of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Technology, is a research unit of University of Madeira, whose mission is to contribute with knowledge and technology to the development and sustainability of the agri-food sector and bioeconomy. The centre is formed the groups ISOPlab and QSAlab, and by the structures BG ISOPlexis and ISOPserviços.
ISOPlab promotes research, development and innovation in the fields of agriculture and biotechnology. This group’s focus is the characterisation and modelling of the Agro-Systems, the genotypic and phenotypic characterisation, and the nutritional and technological assessment. Nowadays, the ISOlab has partnerships with companies of the agricultural and baking sectors, and of biotechnology, using research to overcome their commercial obstacles.
The QSAlab ensures the research of genetic resources, the optimisation of production processes, and the characterization of local products through advanced analytical techniques, metabolomics and data processing using a diversified network of equipment. The group has ensured several partnerships with companies from the local wine and beverage sector.
The BG ISOPlexis is a bank that ensures a collection of germplasm, and has a documentation and information system, following international rules and protocols. This information supports agriculture, research and the development applied to the agri-food sector. The bank takes part in the national plan of action for genetic resources, integrates the AEGIS consortium and partakes in the Regional Network of Germplasm banks of FAO.
The ISOPserviços provides the community with analytical and multidisciplinary consulting services, using, for that purpose, the team’s knowledge and know-how. The group has achieved several success projects that have resulted from services that have been delivered, and from the collaboration with partners from the agri-food sector.
PISO 01 Gabinete 122
9020-105 - FUNCHAL
Contribución al ahorro hídrico en cultivos estratégicos para el sector primario de Canarias y Madeira mediante la aplicación de productos y extractos naturales bioactivos con propiedades osmoprotectoras. Programa: MAC 2014-2020.
APOGEO MAC - Agricultura de precisão para o melhoramento da produção de vinho na Macaronésia. Programa: PCT-MAC 2014-2020.
AROMA: Novos designs de sensores em fibra ótica para a deteção de compostos de AROMA. Programa: CENTRO 2020 + FCT
CASBio - Avaliação e monitorização da Agrobiodiversidade e da Sustentabilidade dos Agrossistemas nos novos cenários climáticos. Programa: Operativo Madeira 14-20 da RAM.
IMPACT III: – Impacto da Tecnologia na Qualidade do Vinho Madeira. Programa: PROCiência2020.
Caracterização e conservação dos principais recursos genéticos vegetais tradicionais e estratégicos da RAM. Programa: PRODERAM 2020.