Fábio Ruben Silva Mendonça

Penteada University Campus , Floor 2, Office 2.90


"Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks." - Stephen Hawking.

Biographical Notes

Fábio Mendonça received the BS and MSc degrees in electrical and telecommunications engineering from University of Madeira, and the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University. He works at the University of Madeira and is a researcher with the Interactive Technologies Institute - LARSyS. His research interests include sleep analysis, pattern recognition, and machine learning.


- A networked station system for high-resolution wind nowcasting in air traffic operations: A data-augmented deep learning approach, D. Alves, F. Mendonça, S. Mostafa, D. Freitas, J. Pestana, D. Vieira, M. Radeta, F. Morgado-Dias, PLOS ONE, 2025, 1

- Deep Learning Enhanced Wind Speed and Direction Forecasting for Airport Regions, Alves, D., F. Mendonça, S. S. Mostafa, and F. Morgado-Dias, Weather and Forecasting, 2025, 1

- Evaluating LLMs for Automated Scoring in Formative Assessments, P. C. Mendonça, F. Quintal e F. Mendonça, Applied Sciences, 2025

- Multithreaded and GPU-Based Implementations of a Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Application to Solving Large-Scale Systems of Nonlinear Equations, B. Silva, L. Lopes, and F. Mendonça, Electronics, 2025, 36

- A comprehensive IoT cloud-based wind station ready for real-time measurements and artificial intelligence integration, D. Alves, F. Mendonça, S. Mostafa, F. Morgado-Dias, e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, 2024, 11

- A Computer Vision Approach for Satellite-Driven Wind Nowcasting over Complex Terrains, D. Alves, F. Mendonça, S. Mostafa, F. Morgado-Dias, Environmental Research Communications, 2024

- A Critical Review of the Propagation Models Employed in LoRa Systems, Joaquim Azevedo and Fábio Mendonça, Sensors, 2024

- Application of Machine Learning in Plastic Waste Detection and Classification: A Systematic Review, E. Ramos, A. Lopes, F. Mendonça, Processes, 2024

- Low Tropospheric Wind Forecasts in Aviation: The Potential of Deep Learning for Terminal Aerodrome Forecast Bulletins, D. Alves, F. Mendonça, S. Mostafa, and F. Morgado-Dias, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2024, 12

- Machine Learning System for Commercial Banana Harvesting, A. Hayat, P. Baglat, F. Mendonça, S. Mostafa, and F. Morgado-Dias, Engineering Research Express, 2024

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico (Alameda) (após 2013/14)

- Master Degree in Engenharia Eletrotécnica - Telecomunicações, 2016, Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia

- Undergraduate Degree in Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações, 2013, University of Madeira