Data de publicação: 10/02/2025
Winter School: Digital Media for Island Tourism. The case of Madeira and its heritage
The 2025 edition of USI UNESCO Chair Winter School is realized in collaboration with the Higher School of Technology and Management of the University of Madeira, the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies (ESHTE) and the Department of Geography and Tourism of the University of Coimbra (https://www.unescochair.usi.ch/summer-schools-2/winter-school-2025-madeira?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off).
Islands are characterized by unique ecosystems, which have given life to unique plant and animal species. Human creativity also finds distinctive manifestations on the islands, which translate into equally unique handicrafts and local traditions. Tourism on the islands must therefore be particularly respectful of this uniqueness. The objective of the winter school is to study tourism on islands, taking Madeira as an exceptional case study, and to understand if and how digital technologies can facilitate a sustainable tourist experience from various points of view, particularly environmental and cultural. Special attention will be given to the role of the five senses in the tourism experience and the issue of how these can be involved through digital technologies.
Madeira is home to a Natural World Heritage Site, the Laurisilva of Madeira, whose preservation and communication will be studied during the school.
Visits to
Santana Biosphere Reserve, is situated on the north coast of the island of Madeira and is part of UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves since 2011. Its typical houses with a triangular shape and covered in thatch called ‘casinhas de Santana’ are widely known icons for the peculiar beauty of their architectural style and are a reflection of the isolation of this location, which for a long time was difficult to reach by land and sea. Santana has over 120 km of hiking trails, which allow to contemplate its rich and meticulously preserved natural heritage.
Port of Funchal, built in the 19th century, until the Second World War was a very convenient stop point for steamers making transatlantic crossings between the European, African and American continents. Currently, this port offers a passenger terminal with excellent conditions to welcome the cruisers who, every year, visit the region on cruise ships. In 2022, the Island of Madeira was elected the Best Cruise Destination in Europe by the World Cruise Awards, a recognition to the importance of the Port of Funchal for the Region.
Rocha do Navio viewpoint, offers a breathtaking view over the north coast of Madeira. It is the ideal place to contemplate the beauty of the Atlantic Ocean that bathes the island. It is known for the outstanding beauty of its surroundings. It is an idyllic setting, marked by the harmony between the green mountains, the imposing cliffs that mark the coastal geology and the clear tone of the seawater.
Câmara de Lobos, was the first place inhabited by João Gonçalves Zarco, the navigator who discovered this ‘pearl of the Atlantic’. It was the first settlement created in Madeira. The name of this municipality comes from the fact that, when the island was discovered in 1420, there was a large number of sea lions in the cove that we can still find here today with the same configuration. The landscape that surrounds this city is marked by the presence of its characteristic fishing boats known as ‘Xavelhas’.
Cabo Girão, is the highest promontory in Europe, with a famous suspended glass platform (known as a skywalk) that is one of the most visited (and certainly the most photographed) tourist attractions in the municipality of Câmara de Lobos and the Madeira archipelago. From this point, visitors can appreciate the urban landscape integrated into a natural south-facing amphitheatre surrounded by green mountains.
Experience of
Madeira local wines, including Blandy’s Madeira, Cossart Gordon, Miles Madeira, and Atlantis. A visit to the Madeira Wine company factory will allow to discover the long company’s experience in fine wine making. The company is owned by the Blandy family, which has played a leading role in the development of Madeira wine throughout its long history and members of the family continue to live in Madeira and work in the group, maintaining a tradition that goes back to 1811.
Embroidery tradition, which has a centuries-old history and is synonymous with excellence, tradition, detail, art and identity. It is one of the unquestionable brand images of Madeira, the origin of which dates back to the beginning of its colonization process in the 15th century.
Hiking natural trails, as for instance the Cabo Girão-Estreito de Câmara de Lobos trail where tourists learn more about the nature of Madeira Island. Along the way, one will find caves, houses and fields cultivated by the locals who live there.
Organizers: Cláudia Seabra, Rita Peres, Susana Teles, Lorenzo Cantoni, Silvia De Ascaniis
Instructors: Silvia De Ascaniis, Élvio Camacho, Lorenzo Cantoni, Mara Franco, Elide Garbani-Nerini, Adine Gavazzi, Filateri Kotsi, Antonio Lenzo, Rita Peres, Luiz Pinto Machado, Rossana Santos, Cláudia Seabra, Pedro Vaz Serra.
Programme available here.
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