Data de publicação: 06/05/2024

Ano Zero 2025/2026

Online application: Applications are submitted online More information and prior verification of documentation (recommended), at the lnternational student office (GEl), campus da penteada, Floor 1, via e-mail or through meeting Teams  (prior scheduling necessary).

Deadline for applications:
until 30th April, 2025 

Recipients: Students with international status (according to Decree-Law No. 36/2014, of March 10, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 62/201rg, of August 6) and foreign students (with nationality from EU countries European).


Documentation to be submitted:
a) Copy of passport or other identification document
b) Letter of intent/motivation
c) Certificate of compleüon of secondary education (if not completed, statement proving completion of studies by the end of the school year)
d) Certificate with subjects taken in secondary education
e) Document proving that you have taken higher education entrance exams in your country (when applicable)
An interview (online or face-to-face) may be carried out if additional information is required that is not included in the documentatioon

Tuition fees:
€3,000.00 per year, to be paid in full or in 10 instalments, the first instalment to be paid with the registration fee and the rest to be paid in accordance with the Tuition Regulations in force.

Click here to access Public Notice_Foundation Year 2025-2026