Elections for the Rector of the University of Madeira
- Public announcement of the opening of candidacy for the position of Rector of the University of Madeira, to be published on the University's website and in international, national and regional media:
- Until January 22, 2021. - Application deadline:
- From January 22, 2021 to February 19, 2021. - Submission of documentation delivered by candidates to all members of the General Council:
- February 22, 2021. - Public hearing of candidates:
- February 26, 2021, starting at 9 am as following: - Jesus Maria Angélica Fernandes Sousa PhD
- CV and Application Programme - José Sílvio Moreira Fernandes PhD
- CV and Application Programme - Election of the Rector:
- March 12, 2021.Elected Rector: José Sílvio Moreira Fernandes, PhD
Rector's election minute
Announcement for presentation of candidacy for Rector PT | EN
- Published on January 21, 2021 - DN-Madeira - online version
- Published on January 21, 2021 - JM - paper version
- Published on January 21, 2021 - Público - paper version Lisboa | Porto
- Published on January 21, 2021 - The Guardian - online version
a) Presentation by the candidate of his/her action programme. This presentation should not exceed 30 minutes;
b) A period, which should not exceed 30 minutes, dedicated to questions from the general audience;
c) Discussion between the members of the General Council and the candidate, of the presented programme of action. This discussion should not exceed 45 minutes.
LOCATION: Universidade da Madeira | Jesuits' College | Auditorium of the Rectory - limited capacity. Online, via the ZOOM platform, through the link: https://www.uma.pt/audicaopublica
TIMETABLE: 09H30MINS. - Beginning of the work, following the hearing of the applications submitted, in the following order:
Additional documents