Publication Date: 03/03/2025
Applications for International Students 2024/2025 - Portuguese Degree of Mestre
Applications for the Special Competition for Access and Admission for the lnternational Student are open for the cycles of studies leading to the Portuguese Degree of Mestre.
Online application:
Online Application Form (choose the EN language for the online English application form).
It is recommended that the application process be checked beforehand at the Student Support Office (GAE), at or Teams meetings (scheduled meetings).
Application deadline:
Until 31st March, 2025.
3.1 Students who do not have Portuguese nationality.
3.2 Students who are not eligible:
a. Those who are Nationals of a State Member of the European Union;
b. Family members of Portuguese natÍonals or nationals of a Member State of the European Union, irrespective of their nationality, thus considered under the terms of Law n.37 /20O6 of 9 of August;
c. Those who, not being nationa ls of a State Mem ber of the European Union, have lega lly resided in Portugal for more than two years, uninterruptedly, on January 1 of the year in which they intend to enter higher education, as well as the children living with them rightfully;
d. Those who are beneficiaries, on January 1 of the year that intends to enter higher education, of equal status of rights and duties assigned under an international treaty granted between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals;
e. Those requiring admission into higher education through special competitions regulated by Decree-Law n. 393-A / 99, of October 2, amended by Decree-Law n.272/2009, of October L.
f. Those who are students of a foreign higher education institution, attending the University of MMadeira for a short-term period, under an international mobility program.
3.3 Students with dual nationality, one of which is Portuguese nationality or a member state of the European Union, are not allowed to apply for this competition.
Fees and Charges:
The application fee is (€ 30.00), regardless of the result of the process analysis. lf the applicant is accepted, and only after registration, will be charged € 20.00 of registration fee (includes student insurance). The appeal fee is €50.00.
Annual Tuition fee:
See Annex 1 of the Public Notice. To be paid totally or in 10 instalments. The L't instalment must be paid with the tax fee, the others in accordance with the current Tuition Fees' Regulation.
Required documents (in PDF format):
a) Copy of the ldentity Card/ Citizen Card/Passport;
b) Curriculum vitae preferably in the Europass format;
c) Copy of the diploma and transcripts of completed courses and grades (or Diploma Supplement);
d) Other documents that the candidate deems useful to demonstrate their qualifications and
e) For the applicants to the second cycle of studies which confer Portuguese professional qualification for teaching, copy of the programs of the approved course units, so that the jury can count the credits of training in teaching.
All original documents used in the online application must be presented at lnternational Student Office. Foreign documents used in the application must also include the Hague Apostille or other consular means of certification and authentication.
The University of Madeira will have scholarships distributed by the degrees listed in Annex 2 of the public notice, which consist of reducing the annual fee for the lnternational Student's study cycles (designated in Portugal as Propina) for the amount indicated in the same Annex.
Degrees | Openings | Scholarships
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Design - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Regional and Local Studies - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Cultural Management - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Liguistics: Society and Culture - 4 openings | 2 scholarships
Clinical, Health and Well-Being Psychology - 1 opening | 1 scholarship
Educational Psychology - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering
Applied Biochemistry - 7 openings | 4 scholarships
Interactive Media Design - 10 openings | 5 + 3 scholarships
Civil Engineering - 10 openings | 4 + 4 scholarships
Electrical Engineering - Telecommunications - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Informatics Engineering - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Teaching Mathematics in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Schools - 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Faculty of Social Sciences
Physical Activity and Sports - 10* + 5 openings | 3 scholarships
Management - 2 openings | 1 scholarship
Higher School of Technology and Management
Hotel Management - 10 openings | 3 + 3 scholarships
Click here to access the Public Notice_Special Competition for Access and Admission for the International Student Cycles of studies leading to the Portuguese Degree of Mestre_2025-2026
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