Subject: Economic History of Madeira

Scientific Area:



20 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The course aims to: identify and contextualise relevant themes of the economic history of Madeira between the 15th and 20th centuries, with emphasis on the contemporary period;
2 - stimulate critical reflection on the phenomena and institutions according to the national and international economic and institutional history of those periods;
2.1. - analyse the historical process in a comparative perspective;
2.2 - place the economy of Madeira in the economic areas where it was integrated and which interfered in its behaviour and evolution;
3 - investigate the potential and difficulties of the island economy within successive processes of change that allow an understanding of the present time.


1 - Introduction : arable area and population-emigration.
2 - The Crops, the agroindustry and trade :
2.1 - The sugar industry in the Atlantic: 1450-1680
2.2 - The Viticulture of the Atlantic islands
2.3 - The political ties between Portugal and England from the end of the seventeenth century.
3 - Institutions and Regulation:
3.1 - Colonia Contract : 18th to 20th centuries.
3.2 - Regulation v. non Regulation:
3.2.1 - Wine : second half of XVIII century and after 1940's;
3.2.2 - Sugar, alcohol and brandy: XIX and XX centuries;
3.2.3 - Embroidery after 1930's.
4. - The turning point in the second half of the 19th century with the loss of the internationalization of Madeira's economy.
4.1 - The Unification of the Currency.
5 - Alternatives to constraints.


Câmara, Benedita, and Rui Santos. , 2016 , Taming the Platypus: Adaptations of the Colonia Tenancy Contract to a Changing Context in Nineteenth-Century Madeira , Oxford: Routledge
Benedita Camara , 2006 , The Portuguese Civil Code and the colonia tenancy contract in Madeira (1867?1967) , Continuity and Change
B. Câmara , 2002 , A Economia da Madeira: 1850-1914 , Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais
Benedita Câmara , 2018 , The Colonia Contract: Ambiguity between Sharecropping, Fixed Rent and Emphyteusis , Brepols Publishers
Cardoso, J. L. Pedro Lains , 2010 , Paying for the liberal state: The rise of public finance in nineteenth-century Europe , Cambridge University Press
Benedita Camara , 1998 , A Madeira e o proteccionismo sacarino (1895-1918) , Análise Social
Lains, Pedro , Instituições, finanças, comércio e regulação no Portugal moderno ,
Costa, Leonor Freire & Palma, Nuno & Reis, Jaime , 2015 , The great escape? The contribution of the empire to Portugal?s economic growth, 1500-1800 , European Review of Economic History
Rita Martins de Sousa , A unificação monetária de Portugal (Continente e Ilhas) ,
Alberto Vieira , 1991 , Os escravos no arquipélago da Madeira XV a XVI , SRTCE; CEHA
V. R & J BORGES DE MACEDO , 1962 , O Açúcar da Madeira nos fins do século XV , JGD, DAM
Jaime Reis , 1984 , O atraso económico português em perspectiva histórica (1860-1913) , Análise Social

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type:

Evaluation Methodology:
The course is based on 20 hours of theoretical-practical classes which will be devoted to the debate based on the presentation and analysis of articles and chapters concerning the problems of economic and institutional history addressed The assessment is based on two group works.