Subject: Geostrategy and International Relations

Scientific Area:



20 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The student should develop a general perspective on international relations, geopestrategy, geopolitics and geoeconomics.
2 - In terms of international relations, we will have the opportunity to characterize the realist and liberal schools of thought.
3 - Later we will develop, in a succinct way, some of the contemporary approaches to international relations
4 - In terms of geostrategy, we will elaborate on the evolution of thought on strategy; we will address the US "grand strategy" and yet a necessarily succint approach to political violence in general and terrorism in particular
5 - In the field of geopolitics we will approach the different schools of geopolitical thought. In addition to the classical approach, we will deal with the neo-classical and critical approaches
6 - Finally, in terms of geoeconomics, in addition to the concept, we will identify the different forms of economic warfare inteliggence and also the different actors invoved in economic warfare.


1 - 1. Introduction to International Relations 1.1. Liberal Approach 1.2 Realistic Approach 1.3 Contemporary Approach
2 - 2. Geo-strategy 2.1 Evolution of the concept of strategy 2.2 American "Grand Strategy" 2.3 Political Violence
3 - 3. Geopolitics 3.1 Different Schools of Geopolitical Thought (Including the critical approach
4 - 4. Geoeconomy 4.1 Forms of economic warfare, economic intelligence and actors


Scott Burchill et al , Theories of International Relations, 3rd ed, , Palgrave
Chris Brown & Kisten Ainley , Understanding International Relations, 4th ed , Palgrave Macmillan
David Criekmans (ed. , Geopolitics and International Relations - Grounding World Politics Anew, , Brill Nijhoff
Èric Delbecque & Christian Harbulot , Guerre Economique , PUF
Christian Harbulot (ed.) , Manuel d' Intelligence Economique , PUF
Beatrice Heuser , he evolution of strategy. Thinging war from antiquity to the presen , Cambridge University Pres
John Lewis Gaddis , A grande estratégia , D Quixote
Lawrence Freedman , Strategy: A history, , Oxford University Pres
Thomas Mahnken (ed.) & Joseph Maiolo (ed) , Strategic Studies: A Reader, 2nd ed , Routeledge

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The curricular unit consists of a set of theoretical classes (AT) and theoretical-practical classes (ATP). In the first (AT), the theoretical platform of the curricular unit is exposed and discussed by the teacher (with the active participation of the students), while in the second (ATP) concrete cases are discussed. The theoretical-practical component aims to provide students with an environment for reflection and contact with different concrete cases.