Subject: English

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This English Language course covers B1 - Intermediate Level (Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning) and essentially aims at developing reading, speaking, writing and listening skills in undergraduates.
1.1 - The aim of this course is to enable students to partake in a wide array of communicative activities ("reading, speaking, writing, listening skills") at the intermediate level, providing the linguistic structures needed to promote their self-confidence in using the English Language in everyday situations.


1 - I - ENGLISH LANGUAGE To consolidate students' knowledge of key components of the English grammar, to broaden their range of vocabulary and to help improve pronunciation, the following will be continuously focused on throughout the course: Speaking, Listening and Writing; Punctuation; Capitalisation; Spelling; Possessive's
2 - II - VOCABULARY AND READING Expansion of vocabulary through reading and analysing language in context. This will be achieved by reading and analysing a novel and by drawing on a selection of authentic oral and written texts selected from the adopted Course Books - Unit 1. Work: verbs/ nouns/adjectives+ prepositions; CVs - Unit 2. Body and Health: talking about health and sport; collocations; Doctor?s appointments - Unit 3. Global English: describing countries and festivals; lifestyle; phrasal verbs
3 - III - ENGLISH GRAMMAR Acquisition of grammar items: Articles; Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Quantifiers; Adverbs; Comparatives and Superlatives; Verbs: Auxiliary Verbs (do/have/be); Verbs followed by -ing/infinitive; Passive Verb Forms; Future Forms: going to/will/won´t /may/might/could; Modal verbs: have to/must/mustn't/don't have to/should/shouldn't/can/can't/could/couldn't; Irregular Verbs (List 3); Tenses: Present Simple and Present Continuous; Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple; Past Simple and Past Continuous; Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous; Past Perfect Simple; The Passive: Active/Passive Sentences; Defining Relative Clauses; Relative Pronouns: who/when/which/where/whose


Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Peter Lewis-Jones, Jeff Stranks, Graham Burton , 2022 , Empower Pre-intermediate Student's Book , Cambridge University Press
Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Peter Lewis-Jones, Jeff Stranks, Graham Burton , 2022 , Empower Pre-intermediate Workbook , Cambridge University Press
Philip Kerr, Lindsay Clandfield, Roy Norris, Ceri Jones , 2012 , Straightforward Pre-Intermediate Workbook , Macmillan Education
Philip Kerr, Lindsay Clandfield, Roy Norris, Ceri Jones , 2012 , Straightforward Pre-Intermediate Student's Book , Macmillan Education
Rachael Robe et al , 2011 , New Total English Intermediate Student's Book , Pearson Education Limited
Anthony Cosgrove , 2011 , New Total English Intermediate Workbook , Pearson Education Limited
Stuart Redman , 2011 , English Vocabulary In Use Pre-Intermediate And Intermediate , Cambridge University Press
Michael Vince , 2010 , Intermediate Language Practice , Macmillan Education
Jones, D. , 1991 , English Pronouncing Dictionary , Cambridge U.P.
John Sinclair (Editor) , 1996 , Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary , Collins ELT
Various , 2014 , Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , Pearson
Raymond Murphy , 2019 , English Grammar in Use , Cambridge University Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures. Individual work. Working in pairs. Presentation of content depending on interaction with students. Resources: board/projection. During the semester there will be two written exams (frequências) which will test the different competencies - reading, writing and listening - of the English language at the B1 intermediate level. ASSESSMENT Students who have not reached an average mark of 9.5 at the end of the semester will be allowed to do the Re-sit Exam. This will count as 100% and will include all the semester material. All the work assigned during the semester is exam-relevant. Home assignments are compulsory and in class meetings students are expected to be participative and make active contributions. TYPE A ASSESSMENT - Final grading consists of: a) Exam 1 ? 50% b) Exam 2 ? 50% Re-sit Exam ? 100%

Subject Leader:

Svetlana Kurtes