Subject: Drawing

Scientific Area:



32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The Drawing Curricular Unit intends to provide foundational knowledge and experimental paths for a theoretical-practical application in the visual and expressive language of drawing
2 - Demonstrate the importance of the daily resource of drawing with a structuring possibility of self-knowledge that values the paths of a personal language
3 - Develop the sense of research and demystify conventional processes Adapt the diversity of solutions and technical means to the expressive and conceptual purposes of drawing.
4 - Understand and contribute to an extension of the suggestive domain of realities. The student should acquire current practice and progressive autonomy, communicative capacity, knowing how to operate the most diverse tools for an objective and expressive translation of reality.
5 - Consolidate the reasoning and discipline inherent in observation of the drawing processes


1 - Historical approach: drawing, art and science (Leonardo da Vinci, Durer, Michelangelo, Goya, J.J Lequeu, Delacroix, Piranesi, Giacometti, Lucian Freud, Paula Rêgo...others
2 - Model and Representation - Body and Space: Man as measure, scale, canon, weight and density, idea and proportion; Apollonian/Dionysian spirit; expression, translation, representation, configuration and idealization
3 - Occult geometry: V. De Honnecourt, E. Schon: composition, structure, volume, configuration, ordering and polyhedral translation in the human figure.
4 - Objectivity and Pragmatism: Still Life and composition, volume, texture, line, plane. etc.
5 - Graphic Diary and Easel Drawing (variation of formats)
6 - Raised hand drawing: sketch, note; timed exercises, leveling and accentuation
7 - Scribes and supports: properties and limitations
8 - From the studio to the natural: (architecture and landscape)


KANDINSKY, Wassily , 1996 , PONTO, LINHA, PLANO , Edições 70,
MESQUITA, António Arnaldo , Álvaro Siza Vieira, O desenho no desejo da inteligência ,
MAYER, Ralph , Manual do Artista , Martins Fontes
MOLINA, Juan José Gómez - , 1995 , Las lecciones del Dibujo , Cátedra
MOLINA, Juan José Gómez, CABEZAS, Lino, BIRDES, Juan: , 2005 , El Manual de Dibujo, estrategias de su enseñanza en el siglo XX , Cátedra
NEGREIROS, Almada, , 1927 , O Desenho, A Ideia Nacional, ,
PADILLA, Ramón Díaz, , 2007 , El Dibujo del natural en la época de la postacademia , Akal Bellas Artes
RODRIGUES, Ana Leonor Madeira , 2000 , O Desenho, ordem e pensamento arquitecónico. , Editorial estampa
ULRICH Luckhadt; MELIA, Paul , 1996 , DAVID HOCKNEY : A DRAWING RETROSPECTIVE , Thames and Hudson

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Combination of methods: demonstrative, dialogical, active and expository (deductive and inductive), combined with a demonstrative practice (drawing in the studio), encouraging research into concepts, history and techniques in the field of observation drawing for the consolidation of a personal artistic path, stimulating the critical spirit and reasoning about the act of drawing. The evaluation parameters are based on translation accuracy, aesthetic-expressive, technical and cognitive data. the student must apply the acquired knowledge and develop a body of autonomous work. Experimentation with conventional means, attendance and studio practice (continuous assessment); periodic monitoring of work phases: Qualitative pre-assessments; Graphic Diary: 30% ;Ateliê and Natural Drawing (field trips): Composition of still life with various objects (volumes, drapery, structures) Introduction to plaster models and human skeleton: 70%.