Subject: Psychology of Interpersonal Relations and Group Dynamics
Scientific Area:
51 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
This course aims to provide students with knowledge of the psychosocial processes that characterize interpersonal relationships and group dynamics. More specifically, the aim is for students to identify, understand and acquire the necessary skills and abilities to deal with group phenomena during their professional activity.
1 - Social cognition and interpersonal relationships
2 - Groups and group dynamics
3 - Communication and conflict
4 - Normal vs patological in human behavior
Bandura, A. (2004). The growing primacy of perceived efficacy in human self-development, adaptation and change. In M. Salanova, R. Grau, I. Martínez, E. Cifre, S.Llorens e M. García-Renedo (Eds.). Nuevos Horizontes en la Investigación sobre la autoeficácia. Col-lecció ?Psique?, 8, 34- 51.
Baptista, A. (2009). Stresse: Aspectos psicobiológicos. In J. P. Cruz, S. N. Jesus e C. Nunes (Coord.). Bem-estar e Qualidade de vida: Contributos da Psicologia daSaúde. Alcochete: Textiverso, Lda., 51-65.
Bueno, J., Oliveira, S. & Oliveira, J. (2001). Um estudo correlacional entre habilidades sociais e traços de personalidade. Psico ? USF, 6 (1), p. 31 ? 38.
Dimas, I. & Lourenço, P. (2011). Conflitos e gestão de conflitos em contexto grupal. In Duarte Gomes (Coord.). Psicologia das organizações do trabalho e dosrecursos humanos. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 201-240.
Feldman, R. (2001). Compreender a Psicologia. Amadora: McGraw-Hill.
Gonçalves, C. & Coimbra, J. (2007). Significados e centralidade do trabalho nas sociedades contemporâneas: uma abordagem psicológica e histórico-social.Psychologica, 44, 401-426.
Lourenço, P. & Dimas, I. (2011). O grupo revisitado: Considerações em torno da dinâmica e dos processos grupais. In Duarte Gomes (Coord.). Psicologia dasorganizações do trabalho e dos recursos humanos. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 133-199.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Type of classification: Quantitative (0-20)
Assessment Methodology: The lectures have expository (theoretical) and theoretical-practical parts, with constant interaction between lecturer and students. Oral and written production will be developed through individual and pair work. As far as assessment is concerned, we have opted for Model A of the University of Madeira's Assessment and Learning Regulations. Therefore, students are assessed throughout the semester (continuous assessment) through a written test (30%) and individual work (50%). Attendance, oral and written participation and the interest shown in the subject are considered preponderant elements in the assessment, and these have a weight of 20 per cent in the final assessment, which cannot be recovered in the Appeal Period. Assessment in the Appeal Period will be an 80% written exam.