Subject: Mapping and Guidance
Scientific Area:
Architecture and Urbanism
51 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Understand the fundamentals of Cartography and Geodesy;
2 - Explore basic cartography and thematic cartography;
3 - Improve the ability to read cartographic pieces/maps;
4 - Contact different navigation and guidance support systems;
5 - Handle equipment to collect georeferenced information;
6 - Manage and integrate geographic information with different origins, scales and resolutions in a GIS environment;
7 - Produce cartography based on remote sensing images;
8 - Produce informative thematic cartograms.
1 - The evolution of knowledge and reflexes in cartography;
2 - Notions of Cartography and Geodesy;
2.1 - Geodetic networks, cartographic projections and coordinate systems;
2.2 - Letter types: symbology, scale and interpretation;
3 - Guidance support systems;
3.1 - Conventional systems, topographic maps and GPS system;
4 - Space-based information management;
4.1 - Sources of information and integration in a GIS environment: vector and matrix information;
4.2 - Creation, manipulation and geoprocessing of spatial data: vector and matrix information;
4.3 - Classification systems based on remote sensing products.
Béguin, M.& Pumain, D. , 1994 , La représentation des donnés géographiques: statistique et cartographie , Armand Colin, Paris
Dias, M. H. , 1991 , Leitura e comparação de mapas temáticos em geografia. Memórias do CEG, 13 , Universidade de Lisboa
Dias, M. H. (Coord.) , 1995 , Os Mapas em Portugal: da tradição anos novos rumos da cartografia , Edições Cosmos, Lisboa
Casaca, J.; Matos, J.; Baio, M. , 2005 , Topografia Geral, 4ª ed. , Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa
Gaspar, J. A. , 2004 , Dicionário de Ciências Cartográficas , Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa
Gaspar, J. A. , 2005 , Cartas e Projeções Cartográficas, 3ª ed. , Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The final classification in this UC will be calculated through the weighted average of the classifications obtained in the following evaluation modules: Theoretical test: 30%; Individual work: 40%; Exercises performed in class: 30%.