Subject: Systematics of sport II-Handball

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

A. Notion of Systematics, Taxonomy and Nomenclature.
1. Historical evolution of these sciences.
2. Your scientific interest
3. Systematics of sporting activities.
B. Systematics of Collective Sports Games:
1. Identify the nature of the different perspectives and corresponding paradigms relating to the conceptualization and systematization of Collective Sports Games (JDC).
C. Systematize Handball;
D. Experience handball game situations, in order to achieve a minimum of competence (practical-theoretical) referenced to the specific motor skills of the modality;
E. Understand and identify all the dynamics of Handball;
F. Know the origin and history, evolution and development perspectives of Handball;
G. Understand and know how to observe the modality covered.


  • Systematics, its history and current usefulness, the other complementary sciences: Taxonomy and Numenclature.
  • Systematics of Collective Sports Games. Nature and classification of Collective Sports Games. Handball among Collective Sports Games;
  • History of Handball, formal structure, essay characteristics, analysis of evolution.
  • Terminology, symbology and signage. The rules, the dynamics of the game, the attack, the defense. The game in attack and defense, through individual, group and collective technical tactics.
  • Goalkeeper and other specific positions.


Bayer, C. (1994). O ensino dos desportos colectivos. Lisboa: DINALIVRO. Garcia,J. (1997). Balonmano. Táctica grupal ofensiva. Concepto, estrutura y metodología. Editorial Gymnos. Madrid Garcia,J.(2002). Balonmano. Táctica Grupal Defensiva. Concepto,estructura y metodología. Grupo Editorial Universitário. Gonçalves,J. (2003). História do Andebol em Portugal. Coleção Sport. CTT Correios de Portugal. Prudente, João (2013). Andebol. In Garganta, Júlio; Prudente, João e Anguera, Teresa (Org.). Avaliação da Performance em Jogos Desportivo Colectivos. Variáveis e indicadores táctico-técnicos utilizados em estudos observacionais de Andebol, Basquetebol, Futebol, Pólo Aquático e Voleibol, pp. 11-77. Porto; FADE-UPorto. ISBN:978-972-8687-56-4 Regras do Jogo. Edição IHF e Edição FAP Sousa, D.; Prudente,J.; Sequeira, P.(2013). Analysis of 2 vs 2 in organized attack in Handball in a situation of numerical equality 6 vs 6 in 2011 World Womens Championship. (pp.278-282) 2nd EHF Scientific ConferenceWomen and Handball. Scientific and Practical Approaches. Viena. 22-23 Novembro de 2013 PrudenteJN, Cardoso AR,Rodrigues AJ and Sousa DF (2019). Analysis of the Influence of the Numerical Relation in Handball During an Organized Attack, Specifically the Tactical Behavior of the Center Back. Front. Psychol. 10:2451. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02451

Assesssment methods and criteria:

1 Written test 25%
2 Research and presentation works 20% each
1 Practical application work 25%
Practical participation 10%

Subject Leader:

Américo Ramos Cardoso