Subject: Theory and Methodology of Training
Scientific Area:
63 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
Prepare students with basic knowledge about the fundamentals of learning and motor development. It is intended to prepare students with the introduction of exercise physiology concepts and training process planning, enabling them to operationalize the training process. To transmit knowledge so that future coaches in sports training can identify the different stages of maturational development and the consequences they have on the training and competition process. Instruct and train to relate the principles of exercise physiology with the training of motor skills, ensuring an adequate prescription of the training exercise according to the defined objectives. Train technicians capable of planning training units, properly structured, according to objectives that may or may not be associated with the sporting result and that are previously established. To transmit knowledge, concepts and the practical application of: Training Loads; Technical, Tactical and Technical-Tactical Training; Development and control of Motor Skills or Qualities; Planning, Periodization and Evaluation of the training process.
Generalities of sports training. Training unit. Training exercise. Training principles. Training factors. Training planning.
Bompa, O, Tudor. (1998) Theory and Methodology of Trainning, Kendall/ Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa,
Castelo, J.; Barreto, H.; Alves, F.; Mil-Homens, P.; Carvalho, J.; Vieira, J. (1996) Metodologia do Treino Desportivo. Ed. FMH. Lisboa.
Gonzalez Badillo, J.J.; Gorostiaga, E. (1995) Fundamentos del Entrenamiento de la Fuerza. Inde. Barcelona.
Matveyev, L. (1977) El Processo de Entrenamiento Deportivo. Stadium. Buenos Aires..
Platonov, V.N. (1991) El Entrenamiento Deportivo. Teoria y Metodologia. Paidotribo. Barcelona.
Verjoshanski,I.Y. (1990) Entrenamiento Deportivo, Planificacion y Programación. Martinez Roca. Barcelona.
Verjoshanski,I.Y. (2002) Teoría e Metodología del Entrenamiento Deportivo. Paidotribo. Barcelona
Zintl, F. (1991) Entrenamiento de la Resistência. Martinez Roca. Barcelona.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
1 Frequência (70%) - recuperável.
1 Trabalho (30%) com nota mínima de 13 valores.