Subject: Object Oriented Programming

Scientific Area:

Computer Science


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Identify the differences between a structured language and an object-oriented language.
2 - Acquire the notion of objects and their classification.
3 - Acquire the notions of class, type, methods, behaviors and instances.
4 - Represent a class schematically.
5 - Understand the concept of data encapsulation.
6 - Define relationships between objects.
7 - Know the concept of inheritance and polymorphism.
8 - Schematic representation of class diagrams.


1 - Characteristics of object-oriented programming
2 - Class, attributes, methods and events concept.
3 - Object concept.
4 - Encapsulation concept.
5 - Concept of visibility of classes, methods and attributes.
6 - Class diagrams.
7 - Inheritance and polymorphism.
8 - Redefining methods, redefining behaviour
9 - Class diagrams.
10 - Web Project Development and/or mobile devices.


B. W. Kernighan e D. M. Ritchie , 1988 , The C Programming Language , Prentice Hall
Damas, L. , 1999 , Linguagem C , Editora FCA
Stroustroup, B. , 2000 , The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition , Addison-Wesley
Wirth, N. , 1986 , Algorithms and Data Structures , Prentice-Hall
Sedgewick, R. , 1998 , Algorithms in C , Addison-Wesley
Sedgewick, R. , 2002 , Algorithms in C , Addison-Wesley

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses.