Subject: ITED Facilities - Communication Project
Scientific Area:
Electronic and Automation
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Provide students with knowledge of the standards applicable to low-voltage electrical installations and telecommunications installations in buildings for single-family homes, including communications design.
2 - Reinforce the importance of electrical safety
1 - Execution of an ITED project in a single-family house
1.1 - ITED Project Model
1.2 - Installation
1.3 - Mandatory tests on networks cables of copper pairs, coaxial cable and fiber optics, according to the ITED manual
1.4 - Interpretation and validation of cable network test results
1.5 - Fault simulation and detection
1.6 - Maintenance and conservation of ITED networks
1.7 - Assessment procedure for ITED networks
1.8 - Carrying out the functionality test report
1.9 - Preparation of the installation execution responsibility statement
2 - Execution of communications projects
2.1 - Understanding analog signals, digital signals, FM communications, radio, digital and optical beams
2.2 - Understanding microwaves
2.3 - coaxial network cable for a CATV and S/MATV system
2.4 - Definition and characteristics of the various types of communication
2.5 - Constitution and characteristics of the various antennae
2.6 - ITED project - interpretation of various points of a presented project.
2.7 - Analysis of technical documentation, descriptive memory and budget of presented project
2.8 - Based on existing diagrams, assembly of parts of some of the main installations in a building
2.9 - Execution of mandatory tests on cable networks of copper pairs, coaxial cable and fiber optics, defined in the ITED manual, with interpretation and validation of test results on cable networks and preparation of the test and functionality report
2.10 - Budgeting Techniques
3 - Electrical Safety
3.1 - Ground (earth) connections
3.2 - Protection against atmospheric discharges
Co-Edição DGEG e CERTIEL , 1. RTIEBT ? Regras Técnicas das Instalações Eléctricas de Baixa Tensão, 1ª Edição Anotada, ,
ANACOM , 2020 , 2. Manual do ITED, 4ª edição, ,
ANACOM , 2014 , 3. Manual do ITUR, 2ª edição ,
vários , 4. Catálogos de fabricantes. ,
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Assessment Methodology: Teaching methodologies: - Expository classes; - Resolution of exercises; - Carrying out simulation work and laboratories; Frequencies: Frequencies are intended to evaluate the main parts of the subject, Execution of an ITED project in a single-family house, Execution of communications and electrical safety projects. The application hours will be implemented through practical and laboratory teaching, where laboratory work will be evaluated by report and (short) discussion in class. Allow the student develop project, writing, results presentation and communication skills oral and teamwork. Frequencies/Exam: 40%; Classes and Laboratory projects: 60%.