Subject: Nutrition and Dietetics

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know the notions of food, nutrition, diet and hydration;
2 - To know the food needs in the various stages of life in accordance with current standards;
3 - To understand the importance of food and nutrition throughout the life cycle;
4 - To acquire basic notions of food composition and nutritional value;
5 - To Explain the principles of healthy eating;
6 - To describe the main factors that influence food choices;
7 - To know the different types of nutritional therapy;
8 - To know the feeding ways and feeding techniques;
9 - To understand the importance of its functions in the area of food;
10 - To understand the general principles of weighing technique.


1 - Concepts of diet, nutrition, diet and hydration;
2 - Principles and importance of healthy eating;
3 - Nutritional needs throughout the life cycle;
4 - Fundamental weighing procedures;
5 - Factors that influence food choices;
6 - Nutritional specificities associated with the most common pathological situations;
7 - Ways and feeding techniques.


Geissler, C; Powers, H. , 2011 , Human nutrition. , Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier
Graça, P. , 2014 , Breve história do conceito de dieta Mediterrânica numa perspetiva de saúde. , Revista Fatores de Risco. 31, jan-mar.
Lidon, F; Silvestre, M. , 2009 , Princípios de Alimentação e Nutrição Humana , Escolar Editora
Pinho, I; Rodrigues, S.; Franchini; B.; Graça; P. , 2015 , Padrão Alimentar Mediterrâneo - Promotor de Saúde , DGS: Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável
Pinto, J. , 2010 , Nutracêuticos e alimentos funcionais , Lidel Edições Técnicas
Teixeira, D.; Pestana, D.; Calhau, C.; Graça, P. , 2015 , Linhas de Orientação sobre Contaminantes de Alimentos , DGS: Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Evaluation according to model B of the UMa learning assessment regulation, notably in normal season: 1 frequency (50%), 1 group work (50%) The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5 values). There is a possibility of recovery at a time of resource/improvement or special. The final classification is expressed on the scale of 0 to 20 values and is the responsibility of the teacher.