Subject: Introduction to Computer Architecture
Scientific Area:
Computer Science
80 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
- Identify the basic constituents of the architecture of a computer
- Understanding the operation of a computer, carried out through interactions between their constituents
- Identify the key elements of a processor, and information exchanges held between them
- Learning assembly language programming, as a basis for software development
- Program a microcontroller for a given feature by using the assembly instructions in this microcontroller
- Assemble and test in laboratory applications programmed into the microcontroller
- Introduction to Computers
- Digital Circuits
- Basic structure of the computer
- Basic architecture of a processor
- Programming a computer
- Complete structure of the computer
- J. Delgado e C. Ribeiro, Arquitectura de Computadores, FCA, 2007
- J. M. Martins Ferreira, Introdução ao Projecto com Sistemas Digitais e Microcontroladores, FEUP Edições, 1998
Assesssment methods and criteria:
2 Frequencies
- 50 % of the final grade ( 0-20 )
- Minimum score of 8 points (40%)
- Consultation of an A4 sheet
- 90 - 120 minutes
4 Practical Work
- 50 % of the final grade ( 0-20 )
- Done in class
- 120 - 180 minutes