Subject: Internship

Scientific Area:

Persons and Properties Protection


768 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Contact with professional reality and experience and apply, in the work context, the knowledge acquired during the course;
2 - Consolidate and apply knowledge acquired in the course;
3 - Plan, monitor and evaluate emergency plans; assess and monitor risks;
4 - Collaborate in conducting surveys in the area of fire safety;
5 - Collaborate in Civil Protection exercises and in carrying out awareness actions.


1 - Internships in real work situation (training in the workplace in companies / institutions). It will have at least 3 phases:
1.1 - Integration, adaptation and knowledge of the company/institution.
1.2 - Integration in a work team.
1.3 - Work in the area of training of the course and according to the internship plan. The student will prepare a report of the internship which will be evaluated.


Coordenador do Curso , Bibliografia recomendada nas diversas unidades curriculares do curso e adequada aos contextos de trabalho e atividades a desenvolver ,
Coordenador do Curso , A redefinir caso a caso pelo orientador da Instituição de acolhimento e pelo docente orientador da UMa. ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodologies used involve: performing practical or applied tasks; experimentation and development of solutions to specific problems; research and analysis of related bibliographic content, and preparation of the final report. The intern's performance, in the internship will be evaluated by the advisor, after tutor listening, based on the following criteria: a) attendance; b) observation of the hosting entity rules; c) commitment to carrying out the tasks assigned; d) realization of the internship plan; e) skills and aptitudes demonstrated in the implementation of the plan and tasks execution; f) ability to implement in practice the acquired knowledge and skills; g) quality of the internship report; h) theoretical basis of the internship report; i) discussion of the reports contents. The trainee will be evaluated as follows: practi-cal, 50% of the final grade weight (25% defined by the tutor and 25% by the advisor); report and presentation, 50% of the weight in the final grade.