Subject: Activities in Mountain and Cliffs

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the methodological, organizational and practical dynamics inherent to Nature Exploration Activities: Orientation, Mountaineering, Canyoning, Climbing, Rappelling and rope maneuvers.
2 - Familiarization and experience of the techniques and procedures underlying each activity.
3 - Acquire the mastery of intervention, control and management instruments, intrinsic to different sports activities of a nature.
4 - Identify the risks and constraints inherent in the wide-angle environment, adopting the applicable safety rules and procedures.
5 - Select and operate, individually and as a team, the different equipment intended for rescue at a wide angle.
6 - Dexterously perform all tasks inherent to anchors, bracing, knots and progression techniques on fixed rope.


1 - Mountain and cliff activities concepts.
2 - Contextual and conceptual framing of Sports Activities for Adaptation to the Environment and Large Spaces;
2.1 - Mountaineering;
2.2 - Orientation;
2.3 - Canyoning, Climbing, Rappelling and rope maneuvers.
3 - Methodology, organization in the practice of mountain and cliff activities and intervention instruments.
4 - Planning, logistics and security to carry out the activities.
5 - Factors and variables to consider in the practice of activities.
6 - Operationalization of techniques and performance strategies.
7 - Equipment and materials to be used.
8 - Wide angle environments;
8.1 - Types of environment;
8.2 - Standards and regulations;
8.3 - Safety in wide-angle rescue operations.
9 - Organization of rescue operations;
9.1 - Wide-angle rescue team organization;
9.2 - Performance protocol (MGO) - Systematic rescue.
10 - Wide angle intervention equipment.
10.1 - Individual and collective equipment;
10.2 - Verification and maintenance of equipment;
10.3 - Ropes;
10.4 - Knots;
10.5 - Anchors;
10.6 - Bracing;
10.7 - Techniques/Progression techniques/Force multiplication/Rescue techniques without stretcher/Rescue techniques with stretcher/Expeditious rescue techniques/Emergency maneuvers.
11 - Wide-angle rescue practices.


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Papadimitriou, D.; Gibson, H. , 2008 , Benefits Sought and Realized by Active Mountain Sport Tourists in Epirus, Greece: Pre- and Post-Trip Analysis. Journal of Sport & Tourism , s/ed
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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The content will be covered in theoretical, theoretical-practical and laboratory practical sessions. The theoretical ones have an expository and interactive nature using audiovisual material that refers students to real problems within the UC and supported by digital and paper documentation. In theoretical-practical and laboratory practices, the syllabus will be addressed through practical situations, which enhance the experience of multiple activities, aiming to develop knowledge and basic motor skills, risk management skills and environmental sustainability. Assessment: 1 Frequency: 25% and 1 Group work: 50% (Written part: 40% and Practical part: 10%) Continuous assessment: 25% Corresponds to paragraphs a), b) and c) of point 6 of 5. article of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulations - (BREAKDOWN BY: a) attendance at teaching activities: 5%; b) critical interventions based on the course of classes: 10%; c) practical situations: 10%