Subject: Geographic Information Systems

Scientific Area:

Architecture and Urbanism


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the principles of cartography.
2 - Develop work skills with coordinate systems, topographic and thematic maps.
3 - Recognize the principles of data acquisition in GIS.
4 - Understand and know how to use software in the acquisition and production of GIS data.
5 - Understand and work with GIS databases.


1 - Introduction to Geographic Information systems.
2 - Introduction to cartography.
3 - Data acquisition methods for GIS.
4 - Coordinate systems and Portuguese cartography. Spatial georeferencing.
5 - GIS data structures.
6 - GIS analysis features.
7 - Spatial database concepts.
8 - GIS in Civil Protection.


Aronoff, S. , 1989 , Geographic information systems: A management perspective , Ottawa: WDL Publications
Bosque Sendra, J. , 1987 , Sistemas de información geográfica, 2.ª ed. corrigida , Madrid: Rialp
Casaca, J. M.; Matos, J. L.; Baio, J.M. , 2000 , Topografia geral , Lisboa: Lidel
Clarke, K.C. , 1999 , Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems , New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Eastman, J.R. , 1992 , IDRISI. Users Guide , Worcester: Clark University
Maguire, D. J.; Goodchild, M. F.; Rhind, D. W. , 1991 , Geographical Information Systems , New York: Longman Scientific. Technical

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses. The evaluation of the Course Unit includes a test with a weight of 50% and a work with a weight of 50%. Both must have a minimum rating of 10 points. The assessment carried out on both elements can be recovered at the time of appeal and subject to improvement.