Subject: Introduction to Biomechanics Applied to Civil Protection Agents
Scientific Area:
40 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1. Promote the integration/mobilization of knowledge that contributes to a comprehensive and multidisciplinary intervention in human kinesiology;
2. Acquire skills in the biomechanical field;
3. Analyze human movement;
4. Understand functional anatomy;
5. Acquire skills for intervention/manipulation by movement;
6. Acquire ergonomicskills.
1. Biomechanics and Kinesiology;
2. Muscle and joint biomechanics;
3. Mechanical approach to posture and movement;
4. Functional anatomy;
5. Analysis of actions integrated into the activity;
6. Biomechanics and Ergonomics.
Enoka, R. M. (2000) - Bases Neuromecânicas da Cinesiologia. São Paulo: Editora Manole,
Hall, S. J. (2000)- Biomecânica Básica. 3ªed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan,
Hamill, J. ; Krutzen, K.M. (1999) - Bases Biomecânicas do Movimento Humano. São Paulo:
Editora Manole.
Jodar, X.A., (1993). Eficacia y técnica deportiva. Análisis del movimiento humano. INDE Publicaciones. Barcelona.
Nordin, M., & Frankel V.H. (2004) - Biomecânica básica del sistema musculo esqulético, 3 Ed. McGraw-hill.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
1. Programmatic contents addressed, with openness to participation and clarification of doubts. Encouraged the active participation of students in classes through the presentation of problems for the application of knowledge, being required the presence of at least 75% of the classes.
2. Evaluation of knowledge through testing (50%), with a minimum score of 9.5 values, and can go to the appeal evaluation.
3. Understanding the applicability of programmatic contents in the context of civil protection, through theoretical and practical work that should be presented in a report (20%).
4. Critical spirit and reflexive analysis are promoted through research and supplementary readings on programmatic contents, applying them in group work with practical application (30%). Developed research skills, knowledge organization, data interpretation, cooperation between colleagues, communication and written and oral reasoning.