Subject: Stress Management and Emergency Psycho-Social Intervention
Scientific Area:
48 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Recognize the different manifestations associated with stress in crisis and emergency situations.
2 - To characterize the different forms of psychosocial intervention in emergency and catastrophe and the roles that the civil protection agent can play in them.
1 - Crisis, emergency, disaster and catastrophe: definitions.
2 - Stress and responses to stress.
3 - Post-traumatic stress.
4 - Losses and mourning: psychological and physical manifestations.
5 - Psychosocial intervention in crises and catastrophes.
6 - Emotional support for victims and professionals: management of post-traumatic stress in victims and stress and burnout in professionals.
Beja, M. J.; Portugal, A.; Câmara, J.; Berenguer, C.; Rebôlo, C.; Crawford, C., & Gonçalves, D. , 2018 , Primeiros socorros psicológicos: Intervenção psicológica na catástrofe , s/ed
Brataas, K. , 2018 , Crisis communication: case studies and lessons learned from international disasters , New York: Routledge
Franco, M.H. (Org.) , 2015 , A intervenção psicológica em emergências: Fundamentos para a prática , São Paulo: Summus Editorial
Pereira, M. (Coord.) , 2015 , Intervenção psicológica em crise e catástrofe , Lisboa: OPP
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The CU evaluation will involve 2 components: Theoretical (50%) - Frequency; Theoretical-practical (50%): team work (40%), with presentation to the class and delivery in writing; individual work (10%). Works will be evaluated according to criteria of originality/creativity, rigor and precision in approach and organization and guiding thread. The final classification of the UC results from the weighted average of all components, which must be equal to or greater than 9.5 values. The practical component is not recoverable at the season appeal.