Subject: Self-Care, Lifestyles and Successful Aging

Scientific Area:

Social Work and Orientation


53 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the concept and dimensions of self-care in the elderly.
2 - Identify conditioning factors of self-care in the elderly.
3 - Know instruments for assessing functional capacity and autonomy/dependence for self-care.
4 - Knowing intervention strategies to promote self-care in the elderly.
5 - Plan interventions that promote self-care and well-being behaviors for the elderly.


1 - Explanatory models of elderly self-care.
2 - Self-care behaviors in the Elderly (Basic Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living.
3 - Functional capacity and autonomy/dependence for self-care - evaluation and classification instruments.
4 - Promotion of self-care for successful aging (breathing, nutrition and hydration, mobilization, elimination; care for the environment and safety; care for the body and personal arrangement and comfort; socialization, occupation, recreation, leisure and culture; spirituality, health care/health surveillance, disease and therapy management, the end of life and the processes of loss, mourning and death).
5 - Dignification of the end of life and support in mourning.


Almeida, J.L., Sousa P., Afonso H. , 2014 , Perspetivas sobre o envelhecimento ativo , Editorial Cáritas
Ash, A. , 2014 , Safeguarding Older People from Abuse , Policy Press
Fonseca, A. , 2014 , Envelhecimento, saúde e doença. Novos desafios para a prestação de cuidados a idosos , Coisas de Ler
Barbosa, M. M., Guimarães, P., Afonso, R. M., Yanguas, J.& Paúl C. , 2021 , Cuidados centrados na pessoa idosa: Uma abordagem de promoção de direitos , Centro de Desenvolvimento Académico Universidade da Madeira
Laczko, F & Victor, C. , 2000 , Social policy and elderly people: the role of community care , Ashgate
Martins, T., Araújo, M. F., Peixoto, M. J. & Machado, P. P. , 2016 , A pessoa dependente e o familiar cuidador. Enfermagem , Porto
Martínez, T. , 2016 , La Atención Centrada en la Persona en los servicios gerontológicos: modelos de atención y evaluación , Fundación Pilares para la Autonomía Personal
Petronilho, F., Pinheiro, E. Machado, M. , 2021 , Transições, promoção de independência/autonomia no autocuidado e do papel do cuidador familiar , Portugal: Sabooks/Lusodidacta
Petronilho, F.; Machado, M. , 2016 , Teorias de Enfermagem e Autocuidado: Contributos para a Construção do Cuidado de Reabilitação , Lusodidacta
Petronilho, F. , 2012 , Autocuidado: Conceito Central da Enfermagem , Formasau
Ribeiro, O. & Paúl, C. , 2018 , Manual de envelhecimento ativo. 2ª ed. , Lidel: Edições Técnicas
Sales, A L & Cordeiro, N , 2012 , Envelhecer saudável e ativo , Lidel: Edições Técnicas
Sequeira, C. , 2010 , Cuidar de Idosos com Dependência Física e Mental , Lidel
Silva, T. A. C. & Gonçalves, K. G. F. , 2017 , Manual de Lazer e Recreação - O Mundo Lúdico ao Alcance de Todos. 2.ª ed. , Phorte Editora
World Health Organization , 2015 , World report on ageing and health , WHO
World Health Organization , 2021 , Global report on ageism , WHO

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Assessment Methodology: Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Assessment according to Model B of the UMa Student Learning Assessment Regulation, namely in normal season. The approval of the curricular unit implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5). There is possibility of recovery in resource/improvement season for all components. The final classification is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values and is the teacher's responsibility.