Subject: Fundamentals of Tourism

Scientific Area:

Tourism and Leisure


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This curricular unit has as main objective to provide students with basic training for the global understanding of the tourist phenomenon, on the supply and demand side. In this context, students will understand the fundamental concepts and historical evolution of tourism, the different sources of statistical information available, its structure and organization, as well as the characteristics and factors that determine tourism demand and supply.
2 - Since tourism is a dynamic activity in the territories, it is also intended to raise students' awareness of its impacts and the importance of its integral sustainability.


1 - Fundamental concepts of tourism;
2 - Information sources;
3 - The evolution of tourism;
4 - Tourist demand;
5 - The tourist offer;
6 - The tourist product;
7 - The organization of tourism;
8 - The impacts of tourism;
9 - Tourism and sustainability.


Cunha, L. , 2007 , Introdução aoTurismo , Lisboa: Verbo
Cunha, L. & Abrantes, A. , 2013 , Introdução ao Turismo , Lisboa: Lidel
Fletcher, J., Cooper, C., Shepherd, R., Gilbert, D. & Wanhill, S. , 2008 , Turismo - Princípios e Práticas , Porto Alegre: Bookman
Graci, S. & Dodds, R. , 2010 , Sustainable Tourism in Island Destinations. , England: Routledge
Page, S. , 2012 , Tourism ? A Modern Synthesis , Australia: South- Western.
Wall, G. & Mathieson, A. , 2006 , Tourism, Change, Impacts and Opportunities , England: Pearson Education Limited
WTO , 2017 , WTO Tourism Highlights , Madrid: WTO

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses. Teaching resources: Presentation and discussion of the syllabus through the discussion of case studies, exercises, articles and analysis of tourism statistics.