Subject: Internship
Scientific Area:
Tourism and Leisure
768 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Apply the transversal knowledge acquired during the course;
2 - Facilitate the insertion of the future tourism professional in the labour market;
3 - Rehearse the practices appropriate to the reality of the labour market;
4 - Know how to properly apply the skills acquired in the area of tourist information and commercialization ;
5 - Communicate the knowledge acquired through the preparation of the internship report;
6 - Assess the interest and the intern profile to the practice of a profession in tourism and its availability to perform different tasks, depending on the sector concerned (accommodation, travel agencies, tourist entertainment, public sector);
7 - Allow the student to grow up as a person, citizen and future professional in the tourism sector, assessing its ability to adapt to new situations.
0 - According to each student's internship plan. All contents that allow the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the other curricular units, with special emphasis on the core area of tourism. Adequating to each specific company (receiving entity) the student will be inserted in the activities inherent to the Tourist Information and Marketing, with the following functions/tasks being eligible for the internship:
1 - Management of tourist information services;
2 - Customer relationship management;
3 - Creation and promotion of programs and activities for products and services in tourism information and commercialization;
4 - Development, implementation and monitoring of marketing strategies and actions for the commercialization of tourism products and services;
5 - Development and management of products, services, spaces and tourist equipment promoting its dynamics and commercialization;
6 - Awareness and integration of cultural heritage in the tourist offer through the creation and commercialization of tourist packages;
7 - Definition and implementation of promotion actions on social networks, recommendation websites and tourism blogs;
8 - Coordination of commercial activity in various organizations in the tourism sector;
9 - Coordination of activities to promote tourism products and services and their commercialization and promotion teams;
10 - Identification of business and innovation opportunities in tourism products and services;
11 - Identification, definition, planning and use of new technologies and information systems in the commercialization of tourism products and services.
Cunha, L.; Abrantes, A. , 2013 , Introdução ao Turismo , Lisboa: Lidel
Cunha, L. , 2017 , Turismo e Desenvolvimento , Lisboa: Lidel
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The methodologies used involve performing practical or applied tasks; experimentation and development of solutions to specific problems; research and analysis of related bibliographic content, and preparation of the final report. The trainee's performance in the internship will be evaluated by the advisor, after listening to the tutor, based on the following criteria a) attendance; b) observation of the hosting entity rules; c) commitment to carrying out the tasks assigned; d) realization of the internship plan; e) skills and aptitudes demonstrated in the implementation of the plan and tasks execution; f) ability to implement in practice the acquired knowledge and skills; g) quality of the internship report; h) theoretical basis of the internship report; i) discussion of the reports contents. The trainee will be evaluated as follows: practical, 50% of the final grade weight (25% defined by the tutor and 25% by the advisor); report and presentation, 50% of the weight in the final grade.