Subject: Laundry and Equipment Management

Scientific Area:

Hotels and Restaurants


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know the framework of Laundry in the Accommodation/Housekeeping department.
2 - Laundry human resources and its legal framework.
3 - Identify the process of industrial treatment of clothes in the laundry.
4 - Know the machines allocated to the laundry and the chemicals used.
5 - Be able to determine the costs in the laundry.


1 - Brief background of the laundry section in the housekeeping department and its functional relationship with the other sections (Reception, Linen and Maintenance);
2 - The processes of handling clothes, with the separation of dirty and clean; the machinery inherent to the function, its characteristics, its handling and care with chemical products; the advantages and/or disadvantages of outsourcing laundry services; determining laundry costs: different methods and different objectives.


Marques, J. A. , 2007 , Manual de Hotelaria , Lisboa: Livraria Civilização Editora
Abranja, N., Almeida, A. E.& e Almeida, M. , 2019 , Gestão do Alojamento, Recepção e Housekeeping , Lisboa: Lidel
Governo Regional da Madeira , 2019 , Convenção Coletiva de Trabalho para o Setor da Indústria Hoteleira da Região Autónoma da Madeira , s/ed.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Rating in regular season: - 2 individual written tests: 2 x 35% (70%) - 1 practical work (30%) Assessment at appeal time through an exam (100%).