Subject: Design Applied to Cooking
Scientific Area:
Hotels and Restaurants
45 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1- Contact with reflections and decision-making processes inherent to design thinking.
2- Development of critical thinking about what you eat and how you eat.
3- Make decisions that provide better tasting experiences.
4- Develop competence in the field of two-dimensional representation
5- Develop their own modes of expression and visual communication
6- Master structural concepts of visual communication and design language
7- Undertstand the design methods as an integral part of the creative process
8- Build awareness on the methodological phases of the design project
9- Develop teamwork skills
In the end, the student should be able to demonstrate and understand how the theory and practice of design can be used to collect, edit and create new concepts applied to cooking. And use a creative and critical methodology in the analysis of your work and in the practice of design as a culinary tool.
1 - Design Thinking
2 - Food habits and cultures
3 - The rituals in a meal
4 - Shape and function of food
5 - Places and spaces for tasting
6 - Food interfaces
(7- Food presentation techniques)
(8 - Plating techniques )
ALEXANDER, C. (1973) Ensayos sobre la sintesis de la forma, Infinito, Buenos Aires
ARNHEIM, R. (1980) Arte e Percepção Visual: uma psicologia da visão criadora
BALTZ, E. ; BOISSEAU, C. (2012) Love Foodbook, HC Editions, Paris
BISSON, D. (2012) Comestible Edible, Du Passage, Canada
BRÉTILLOT, M. (2010), Culinaire Design, Éditions Alternatives.
CATTERAL, C. (1999) Food: Design and Culture, Laurence King, London
CROSS, N. (2013) Design Thinking, Bloomsbury Academic
DENIS, R. (2002) Uma introdução à história do design, Editora Edgard Blucher, São Paulo
DUARTE, F. J., R. F., P. (2008) Fabrico Próprio - O Design da Pastelaria Semi-industrial, Edição de Autor
DONDIS, D. A., (1991) Sintaxe da Linguagem Visual, Martins Fontes Editora, São Paulo
ESAD Caldas da Rainha + ESAD Reims (2010) Paysages alimentaires, Editions La sauce
FEARNLEY-WHITTINGSTALL, J. (2010), The Ministry of Food, Hodder and Stoughton
FLUSSER, V. (2010) Uma filosofia do design, a forma das coisas, Relógio de Água, Lisboa
GRUIJTERS, K. (2016) Food Design: Exploring the Future of Food.
GUIXÉ, Marti. Knolke, I. (2011), Food Designing, Corraini Editore
HESKETT, J. (2005) Design, a very short introduction, Oxford University Press, London
HELLER, E. (2007) A Psicologia das Cores. Como actuam as cores sobre os sentimentos e a razão, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona
MUNARI, B. (1981) Artista e designer, Editorial Presença, Lisboa
MUNARI, B. (1981) Das coisas nascem coisas, Edições 70, Porto
MUNARI, B. (1968) Design e Comunicação Visual, Edições 70, Lisboa
MUNARI, B. (1981) Fantasia, invenção, criatividade e imaginação na comunicação visual, Editorial Presença, Lisboa
PASTOUREAU, M. (1997) Dicionário das Cores do nosso tempo. Simbólica e Sociedade. Editorial Estampa,Lisboa
KLANTEN, R. BOLHOFER, K. MOLLARD, A. (2011) Delicate: New Food Culture, Die Gestalten Verlag
LUPACCHINI, A., (2014) Food design - La trasversalità del pensiero progettuale nella cultura alimentare, List Lab Publishing
MAEDA, J. (2006) The laws of simplicity, MIT Press.
NORMAN, D. (2004) Emotional Design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things, Basic Books, New York
RAYMOND, M.; SANDERSON, C.; KLANTEN, R.; EHMANN, S. (2008) Create: Eating, Design and Future Food, The Future Laboratory, Die Gestalten Verlag
SCHAAP, D. (2014) The Insect Cookbook: Food for a Sustainable Planet, Columbia University Press
TODOLI, V. HAMILTON, R. (2009) Food for Thought. Thought for Food: A Reflection on the Creative Universe of Ferran Adria, Actar; Slp edition
TRAITLER, Helmut; Coleman, Birgit; Hofmann, Karen (2014) Food Industry Design, Technology and Innovation,Wiley-Blackwell
VOGELZANG, M. (2009), Eat Love, BIS Publishers
ZAMPOLLO, F. (2021). Food Design Thinking: DIY
Assesssment methods and criteria:
With 75% of mandatory attendance in the effective classes of the UC and with mandatory attendance in classes where moments of assessment are held and in classes previously determined by the teacher:
- Theoretical component (20%) - written test (minimum grade required 10).
- Practical component (40%) - group work (minimum grade required 10).
- Two theoretical-practical components (20% each) - individual assignment (minimum grade required 10).
The evaluation of the discipline is individual and continuous. Mid-term and end of semester evaluations are planned. The evaluations focus on the theoretical-practical components of the projects proposed for the discipline.
Continuous assessment focuses on attendance, meeting deadlines, participation, collaboration, critical and communication skills, commitment, autonomy / initiative and the student's evolution throughout the proposed projects