Subject: Food Hygiene

Scientific Area:

Food Industries


60 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

- Understand the importance of Food Hygiene as a determining factor in the defence of Public Health;

- Know and apply food hygiene legislation;

- Understand and apply the basic principles and practices of hygiene in the different stages of food production;

- Understand the importance of diagnosing and controlling the biological, chemical, and physical hazards of food;

- Identify the sources and causes of food contamination;

- Collaborate in the elaboration of Good Practices Codes.


1 - Food hygiene
1.1. - General concepts
1.2 - Legislation applicable to the sector
1.3 - Food contamination
1.4 Foodborne illness
2 - Food handler hygiene
2.1 - Personal hygiene
2.2 - Hygiene habits
3 - Hygiene of facilities, equipment and utensils

4 - Hygiene of food
4.1 - Storage and conservation
4.2 - Preparation and confection
4.3 - Exposure and commercialization
5 - Hygienization
6 - Good practice codes


- Arduser L, Brown DR. HACCP & Sanitation in Restaurants and Food Service Operations: A Practical Guide Based on the USDA Food Code. Atlantic Publishing Group; 2005.
- Baptista P, Linhares M. Higiene e Segurança Alimentar (vol. 1 e 2). Guimarães: Forvisão SA; 2005
- Decreto-Lei no 113/2006, de 12 de junho

- Forsythe SJ. Microbiologia da Segurança Alimentar. Artmed; 2013.
- Larrañaga IJ, Carballo JM, Rodriguez MM, Fernandez JA. Control e Higiene de los Alimentos. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill; 1999.
- Marriott NG, Gravani RB. Principles of Food Sanitation. Springer; 2006.
- Regulamento (CE) no852/2004, de 29 de abril
- Regulamento (CE) no1019/2008, de 17 de outubro
- Regulamento (CE) no219/2009, de 11 de março


Assesssment methods and criteria:

The "Continuous Evaluation" is carried out through two frequencies (30% each), one individual reports (20%) and one group work (20%). There is also the possibility of a final written exam, which will focus on the entire program taught, in case of negative grade in '' Continuous Evaluation''. The minimum grade is 10 points.