Subject: Entrepreneurship

Scientific Area:

Management and Administration


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - Strategic:
1 - Encouraging the development of an entrepreneurial culture;
2 - Development of technical and social skills, aimed at favoring and creating new technology-based entrepreneurship or intra-entrepreneurship projects, applied to the civil construction sector.
3 - Operational:
4 - Be able to understand the impact of entrepreneurship on economic and social development;
5 - Be able to understand the basic issues of entrepreneurship, main concepts and recognize the entrepreneurial process;
6 - Develop skills related to the entrepreneurship process, involving the set of topics relevant to the creation of new companies and innovation, supported by existing companies;
7 - Have acquired the ability to analyse and critically discuss real situations in the entrepreneurship process.


1 - Entrepreneurship: Notion and Perspectives. Definitions and Concepts; Forms of entrepreneurship (e.g. social entrepreneurship, academic entrepreneurship, technological entrepreneurship, etc.); Entrepreneurial organizations and corporate entrepreneurship; The dynamics of entrepreneurship: internal and external factors; Characteristics and challenges of the entrepreneur; Entrepreneur and intrapreneur; Myths about entrepreneurship; Case studies (analysis and discussion)
2 - Innovation and Creativity. Definitions and Concepts; Types of innovation; Barriers and challenges in entrepreneurship; Innovation and creativity in the construction industry
3 - Entrepreneurship in the Construction Industry. The entrepreneurial process; Identification and evaluation of opportunities, decision-making. The business model (BMC); Development of the business plan; Applications and practical exercises. Case studies.
4 - Financial Incentives to Support Entrepreneurship. Main sources of funding; Financing needs; Conventional support mechanisms


Carvalho, L. & Costa, T. , 2022 , Empreendedorismo. Uma visão global e integradora , Edições Silabo
Reis, F. & Reis, R. , 2022 , Manual de Estratégia Empresarial, Inovação e Empreendedorismo , Edições Silabo
Pereira, L., Costa, R. & António, N. , 2020 , Projeto Empresarial - A arte de criação de valor , Actual Editora
IAPMEI , 2024 , Ferramenta de Avaliação de Projetos - ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The assessment of the course unit is continuous, quantitative (0-20), following Model A of the UMa learning assessment regulations, considering the following elements and their respective weightings for the final grade: (i) 1 written exam: 50%, with a minimum score of 8 points. (ii) 1 Group work: 50%, with a minimum score of 8 points. Passing the course unit requires a minimum grade of 9.5. NOTE: There is the possibility of recovery in the resit/improvement period for all components according to the following assumptions: It is important to note that the practical work is not recoverable. Therefore, students who do not pass the written exam during the normal period can only recover 50% of the grade (relative to the written exam) during the resit period, while the grade for the practical work remains unchanged. Students who have not completed the practical work can attend the resit written exam, but the grade obtained will only contribute 50% to the final grade.