Subject: Agricultural Projects, Design and Development

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the concepts of project design and design and apply them to organic farms.
2 - To know how to design and conceive a project for an agricultural farm in organic production mode.
3 - To know how to carry out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the farm.
4 - To know and identify the species and crops adapt to different locations, systems and farms.
5 - To know how to identify and develop synergies that involve the proposed project.
6 - Develop skills to interpret, evaluate, decide and intervene responsibly in situations related to future activity professional.
7 - Develop and demonstrate initiative, autonomy and work habits


1 - Principles of design and outlining explorations in MPB
2 - Agricultural Project Planning Phases. Objectives. Purposes.
3 - Importance of the previous study. Descriptive memory. Parts to design. Project rationale. Owner identification.
4 - Structure and organization of the holding. Infrastructures. Machine Parks. Installations. Irrigation systems.
5 - General and edapho-climatic characterization of the exploration. Characterization of plant production. Cultures and production techniques. Characterization of animal production. Species and number of animals. Feeding and handling.
6 - Project execution. Descriptive memory. Designed pieces. Definition of objectives and strategy. Assessment of resources on the farm (existing and needed).
7 - Conversion project for MPB. Choice of plant and animal species. Techniques and production in MPB. Rules and legislation to be observed.
8 - BBasic concepts of project financial analysis. Budgeting and financial analysis. Applications for public funding. Financial support-eligibility conditions. Obligations. advantages and disadvantages.
9 - Plano de acção. Estabelecimento do projecto.
10 - SWOT analysis of exploration and project.
11 - Related applied practical activities, with the aim of developing skills related to the conception, elaboration and outline of agricultural projects in MPB for implementation.


MOLLISON, B. e HOLMGREN, D., , 1983 , Permacultura, uma agricultura permanente nas comunidades em geral , Editora Ground. São Paulo
WHITEFIELD, Patrick , 2002 , How to Make a Forest Garden , Permanent Publications
RODET, J.C. , 2004 , Agricultura Biológica, Uma Opção Inteligente , Lisboa: Luís F. Freitas
PORTELA, J. , 1999 , A integração do desenvolvimento rural: Pura retórica? In: Desenvolvimento Rural-Desafio e Utopia , undação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Centro de Estudos. Universidade de Lisboa

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses. The assessment is based on the following elements: - Preliminary Study 25% - Execution project 50% - Presentation of the work 25%