Subject: Agricultural Management and Marketing

Scientific Area:

Management and Administration


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Learn about the management of an agricultural holding or company.
2 - Acquire notions about marketing.
3 - Acquire knowledge that allow to select and analyse need data for the management of an agricultural holding or farm.
4 - Know and identify the market types, the brand functions and the ways of interaction with the consumers.
5 - Understand the ways of supply chains fuctioning and acquire knowledge of merchandising.
6 - Acquire knowledge about negotiation and general conditions of trade-in strategies allowing to develop skills for prices defenition.
7 - Develop skils allowing to read, evaluate, decide and intervene in responsable way in situations related with the future profissional activity.
8 - Develop and show initiative, autonomy and work habits
9 - Develop skills allowing to make out and present a business iconcept.


1 - Notions of agricultural management and marketing.
1.1 - Definition, scope and surroundings.
1.2 - Extension of marketing functions.
1.3 - The evolution of agricultural marketing.
2 - Marketing concepts to be explored
2.1 - Consumers needs, desires and demands.
2.2 - Product concept.
2.3 - Value and satisfaction of needs.
2.4 - Exchanges and market relations
2.5 - Market definition.
2.6 - Segmentation, targeting and positioning.
2.7 - Production factors
3 - Notions of evaluation and formulation of strategies.
3.1 - SWOT Analysis and Ansoff Matrix.
3.2 - Product Life Cycle, ABC Analysis, BCG Matrix Buying behaviour and distribution:
3.3 - Análise ABC and Matriz BCG
4. - Notions about the buying behaviour and distribution.
4.1 - Buying behaviour
4.2 - Decision-making process and purchasing behaviour
4.3 - Distribution channels: B2C, B2B e C2C
5. - Notions of business innovation. What is innovation? What is its importance?
5.1 - Innovation as a tool for entrepreneurs
5.2 - Innovation applied to agricultural activity.
6. - How to develop and present a business idea? Pitch.
6.1 - The Business Model Canvas (Business Model Generation)
6.2 - Business plan.
7. - Practical and applied activities related with agricultural management and marketing.
7.1 - Presentation of examples of management and marketing appield to agricultural activity.


Mello, L. Q., Coelho, J. C. & Neto, M.C. , 2004 , Gestão da Empresa Agrícola no Século XXI-Manual I-Marketing dos Produtos Agro-Pecuários , Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal
Silva, L. M., Capitão, C.M., Veiga, I.A. & Noéme, C. , 2009 , Inovação e Tecnologia na Formação Agrícola-Inovação e Criação de Novos Negócios , Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal
Mello, L. Q. & Marreiros, C.G. , 2009 , Inovação e Tecnologia na Formação Agrícola-Marketing de Produtos Agrícolas , Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal
Neto, M.C., Pinheiro, A. C. A. & Coelho, J.C. , 2004 , Gestão da Empresa Agrícola no Século XXI-Manual III-Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Gestão da Empresa Agrícola , Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal
Barroso, M. & Madureira, T. , 2005 , Valorização das explorações agrícolas-Marketing nas Pequenas e Médias Explorações Agrícolas , SPI-Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação
Neto, M. C., Pinto, P. A. & Coelho, J. P .P. , 2005 , Valorização das explorações agrícolas-Tecnologias de informação e a Agricultura , SPI-Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses. Written test (50% of the final grade). Practical work (50% of the final grade). The practical work will be developed in groups of 2 elements. Must be submitted in writing and will be subject to presentation in the classroom. The practical work will be developed by stages being subject to evaluation in the practical lessons. Delivery of the written version-sending the written version in *.pdf format, should be held until the day before the presentation for and obliging the patent guidelines in Presentation of the practical work -the presentation of practical work will be performed in class. Both elements must have a minimum rating of 10 values and can be recovered at the time of appeal and subject to improvement.