Doctorate Degree in Curriculum And Pedagogical Innovation

This doctorate degree aims at providing professionals with research and intervention skills in a research-based manner and, consequently, enriching the national and local Educational system with Education specialists, and promoting the sociocultural development in a sustainable way.
This advanced training is focused in the systematic understanding of the curriculum and pedagogical innovation, in the development of skills, abilities and research methods, connected to the field of Education. It is centred in the development of the ability to design and perform original researches, in strict compliance with the requirements imposed by the quality and academic integrity patterns, taking a critical stance, broadening knowledge, and knowing how to communicate with their peers and with society in general about this field of knowledge.
Students are expected to be able to:
1. Design and perform significant research in the field of Education, in strict compliance with the requirements imposed by the quality and academic integrity patterns;
2. Analyse in a critical manner, evaluate and synthetize new and complex ideas within Education, namely in the field of curriculum and pedagogical innovation;
3. Deepen the systematic understanding of existing tensions and complementarities between curriculum and pedagogical innovation, thus contributing to the broadening of knowledge in Education;
4. Practice the analytical and projective thinking, having a proactive attitude towards social and cultural progress;
5. Communicate with specialised audiences the results of the original research and the systematic knowledge related to curriculum and pedagogical innovation, namely national and international scientific and academic communities;
6. To use, with great ability and critical stance, suitable research strategies and methods for research problems in the fields of curriculum and pedagogical innovation.
In Portugal, this cycle of studies is automatically recognized for career progression purposes of all education groups of pre-school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic and secondary education, by letter from the directorate-general of the School Administration.




Duration of Studies:


This doctorate degree aims at providing professionals with research and intervention skills in a research-based manner and, consequently, enriching the national and local Educational system with Education specialists, and promoting the sociocultural development in a sustainable way.
This advanced training is focused in the systematic understanding of the curriculum and pedagogical innovation, in the development of skills, abilities and research methods, connected to the field of Education. It is centred in the development of the ability to design and perform original researches, in strict compliance with the requirements imposed by the quality and academic integrity patterns, taking a critical stance, broadening knowledge, and knowing how to communicate with their peers and with society in general about this field of knowledge.
Students are expected to be able to:
1. Design and perform significant research in the field of Education, in strict compliance with the requirements imposed by the quality and academic integrity patterns;
2. Analyse in a critical manner, evaluate and synthetize new and complex ideas within Education, namely in the field of curriculum and pedagogical innovation;
3. Deepen the systematic understanding of existing tensions and complementarities between curriculum and pedagogical innovation, thus contributing to the broadening of knowledge in Education;
4. Practice the analytical and projective thinking, having a proactive attitude towards social and cultural progress;
5. Communicate with specialised audiences the results of the original research and the systematic knowledge related to curriculum and pedagogical innovation, namely national and international scientific and academic communities;
6. To use, with great ability and critical stance, suitable research strategies and methods for research problems in the fields of curriculum and pedagogical innovation.
In Portugal, this cycle of studies is automatically recognized for career progression purposes of all education groups of pre-school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic and secondary education, by letter from the directorate-general of the School Administration.




Duration of Studies:






Career Opportunities and Employability

Graduates will be capable of:
Intervene and participate in the design of new learning environments and of a curriculum adapted to local specificities, like politicians and Education technicians.


The admission is done by documented contest and interview. Possible candidates are:
a. Holders of a master’s degree or legal equivalent, in the fields of Teaching or Education, i.e., teachers, professors, educators, Education and training technicians;
b. Holders of an undergraduate degree Education or Teaching, with an average equal or greater than 16 points and a relevant scientific curriculum recognized by the members of the Scientific Council;
c. Holders of a scientific curriculum in the fields of Education or Teaching, attesting the ability to the attendance of this doctorate degree, namely previous working experience in Education and scientific journal’s publications.

When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to be the oppressor.
Paulo Freire

* The information on this page does not preclude consultation of the Degree’s Curriculum in Diário da República.

The mission of Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) is to contribute to improving the quality of Portuguese higher education, through the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.

Degree accredited for 6 years, from 08/02/2018.. Check this degree’s evaluation >