Subject: Pedagogy and Innovation
Scientific Area:
27 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
0 - Being this one a fundamental CU of the area of Pedagogical Innovation, it is included in the very first semester of this cycle of studies so that students may be able to:
1 - Understand the difference between pedagogical innovation and curricular innovation, in their convergences and divergences;
2 - Analyze the conceptual differences between innovation, change and reform.
3 - Understand the various conceptions of pedagogical innovation, including the differences between disruptive innovation and incremental innovation.
4 - Build a concept of pedagogy appropriate for learners and teachers of the XXI century.
1 - Evolution of the concept of pedagogy and the field where it is exercised
2 - Pedagogical practice as inter-social relationship aiming at learning according to cultural-historical perspective of Lave & Wenger
3 - Differences and similarities among pedagogical innovation, educational innovation and innovation in didactics; difference between change and innovation; discussion of a causal link between pedagogical innovation and educational or curricular reform
4 - Disruptive innovation (Christensen?s perspective) and incremental innovation; innovation as discontinuity (Kuhn?s perspective) or as continuity
5 - Pedagogy for the information society: the new profiles of apprentices and new roles of teachers
6 - Evaluation of the use of techniques such as Design Thinking, Gamification of learning, Scenario writing, etc. as pedagogical innovation tools
7 - Emancipatory Pedagogy
8 - Educational innovation as a dynamic concept and its update in light of the unpredictability of change in XXI century
Beauté, Jean , 2004 , Courants de la pédagogie , Lyon: Chronique Sociale
Kelsh, D., Hill D. & Macrine S. , 2010 , Class in Education - Knowledge, pedagogy, subjectivity , Abingdon: Routledge.
Fino, C. N. , 2016 , Inovação Pedagógica e Ortodoxia Curricular , Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação
Jónsdóttir, S. R. &, Gunnarsdóttir, R. , 2017 , The Road to Independence - Emancipatory Pedagogy , Rotterdam: Sense Publishers
Hinchey, H. P. , 2004 , Becoming a critical educator - defining a classroom identity, designing a critical pedagogy , New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Lave, J. & Wenger, E. , 1991 , Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation , Cambridge USA: Cambridge University Press.
McDermott R., Snyder W. M. & Wenger E. , 2002 , Cultivating Communities of Practice , Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
OECD , 2016 , Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation: The Power of Digital Technologies and Skills. , Paris: OECD Publishing.
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to the theoretical exposition and clarification of concepts by the teacher, using multimedia resources, the class also deals with the reading of texts followed by discussion in pairs, group and plenary. Large readings take place outside the classroom sessions. The curricular unit includes a practical component in which the postgraduate students, individually or organized in groups, collect and organize relevant information on the topics under study and experience Design Thinking, Gamification of learning, Scenario writing, etc.. As for the evaluation is taken into account the level of participation of each in the classroom activities (30%) and the organization, presentation and discussion of an individual portfolio that collects, organizes and analyzes the gathered information (70%).