Subject: Scientific Methods and Techniques for the Humanities
Scientific Area:
Humanistic Studies
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1 - General:
1.1 - Develop knowledge and understanding for the application of original ideas and projects in a research context.
1.2 - Developing efficient and autonomous learning, study and research capacities.
1.3 - Understand the possibilities of Cultural Studies within the framework of Academic Research Practices, particularly in its intersection with Literary Studies.
1.4 - To know and apply the principles of ethics in the field of Scientific Research.
2 - Specific:
2.1 - Develop scientific research skills: the taste for reflection and research work.
2.2 - Train the relationship of acquired knowledge with their adaptation to new research contexts.
2.3 - Increase the comprehension skills of academic / scientific works.
2.4 - Make use of critical thinking to carry out a research plan and the elaboration of a scientific article.
2.5 - Promote the communication capacity of the research work carried out.
1 - Scientific research: contributions to the humanities: divergent theories, schools and methods
2 - Research in Literary Studies
2.1 - Themes, problems, hypotheses
2.2 - Delimitation of the theme: problem, hypothesis and objectives
2.3 - Research plan: reflection and elaboration
2.4 - Sources of information, field work and data collection
2.5 - Communicate the results: style and scientific language in writing and orality
3 - Research in Cultural Studies
3.1 - Nature and research in the field of Cultural Studies.
3.2 - The Problems and Evolution of Cultural Studies - The methodological diversity of the disciplinary area (The themes, problems, hypotheses)
3.3 - Delimitation of the theme: problem, hypothesis and objectives
3.4 - Research plan: reflection and elaboration
3.5 - Sources of information, field work and data collection
3.6 - Communicate the results: style and scientific language in writing and orality
C. Azevedo; A. Azevedo , 2004 , Metodologia científica. Contributos práticos para a elaboração de trabalhos académicos , Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora, .
M.M. Batista (ed.) , 2009 , Cultura: metodologias e investigação , Lisboa, O Verso Edições, col. Cultura Portuguesa ? Declinações Latino Americanas,
J. Carvalho , 2009 , Metodologia do Trabalho Científico , Lisboa, Escolar Editora
C. Ceia , 2006 , Normas para a apresentação de trabalhos científicos , Lisboa, Presença
F. Cristóvão , 2001 , Método. Sugestões para a elaboração de um ensaio ou tese , Lisboa, Edições Colibri
D. Cuche , 2006 , A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais , Lisboa, Fim-de-Século
U. Eco , 1977 , Como se faz uma tese em Ciências Humanas , Lisboa, Presença
A. J. Fernandes , 2002 , Métodos e regras para elaboração de Trabalhos Académicos e Científicos , Porto, Porto Editora,
P. Friedrich (ed), , 2008 , Teaching Academic Writing , London/New York, Continuum International Publishing Group
C. Moreira , 2007 , Teorias e Práticas da Investigação , Lisboa, ISCSP
G. V. Sousa , 1998 , Metodologia da investigação, redação e apresentação de trabalhos científicos , Porto, Livraria Civilização Editora
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
In small groups and modules (3) attendance to seminars, tutorials, practical and discussion with their peers, even outside their timetabled sessions (independent study time). Key skills will be developed in small groups such as coping with the normal difficulties of interactions between human beings; working in teams; managing time and processes effectively in class and outside; listening to others' ideas sympathetically and critically; thinking creatively and originally; building on others' existing work; creating and collaborating on projects; seeing projects through to a conclusion.Practical classes are to enhance students' understanding of scientific enquiry'methods. Therefore in a variety of ways students are given opportunity to undertake experiments; tackle problem-solving exercises; carry out survey and project work and experience at firsthand how the theory and principles of their discipline are applied. Assessment Critical review 40% Summary 20% Planning 20% Participation 20%