Subject: Orientation Seminar (S3)

Scientific Area:



10 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To get a deeper insight into the concepts and methodologies shaping the activity of scientific research in the scope of the cycle of studies leading to the achievement of the Master's degree.
2 - Acquire skills that may be applicable not only to the specific design of research projects and dissertations but also to project work and internship reports.
3 - Know how to design, within the established deadlines, the study plan of the topics to be investigated and the writing of the project and dissertation, as well as the design of the project work and the internship plan and its report, in accordance with the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired .
4 - Strengthen the training in empirical methodologies of linguistic research, through the active participation of students in research activities, with greater integration in the projects of the research centers to which the lecturers belong.


1 - Definition, theoretical framework and reflection on the theoretical and methodological assumptions: research methods and empirical methodologies appropriate to the research themes and objectives, projects and linguistic activities to be developed.
2 - Delimitation of contexts, instruments and resources: the state of the art, research projects and existing activities related to the subject under study, appreciation of models and their application to the dissertation project, the project work and the internship report.


CEIA, Carlos , 2006 , Normas para a Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos , Editorial Presença
J. E. Sussams , 1998 , Como Fazer um Relatório. Textos de Apoio: Objetivos do Relatório, Estrutura e Redação, Apresentação e Sugestões de Materiais, Planeamento , Editorial Presença
C. S. Baptista, M. J. Sousa , 2011 , Como Fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios Segundo Bolonha , Pactor Editor
L. Blaxter, C. Hughes, M. Tight , 2006 , How to Research , Open University Press
A. D. Salvador , 1987 , Métodos e Técnicas de Pesquisa Bibliográfica , Livraria Sulina Editora
G. de Vasconcelos e Sousa , 1998 , Metodologia da Investigação, Redação e Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos , Livraria Civilização
J. E. Carvalho , 2009 , Metodologia do Trabalho Científico , Escolar Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching methodologies will consist of a critical analysis of the methodological component of a master's degree dissertation, a project work or an internship plan and report (50%) and the development of an individual master's thesis project, A project work or an internship plan (50%).