Subject: Editing and Revision Linguistics
Scientific Area:
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1.1 - Understand the functions of Standard language and the various dimensions of Linguistic Variation.
1.2 - Deepen theoretical knowledge, methodological skills and techniques that allow to develop critical analysis on the functioning anduse of the Portuguese language, in its written form (textual).
1.3 - Evaluate the quality of texts of different genres, taking into account explicit criteria (contextual, macro-organizational and linguistic ones)
1.4 - Know how to select the most appropriate instruments to carry out different types of tasks in the context of the linguistic revision
1.5 - Identify areas of variation and instability in the Portuguese language system
1.6 - Develop consultation practices and use of available Portuguese standardization tools suitable for the linguistic revision work
1 - Norm and Variation
1.1 - The role of Norm
1.2 - Changing and mainting the norm; Language standardization tools
1.3 - Dimensions of linguistic variation
1.4 - Oral and written forms: supports and representations
2. - Writing
2.1 - Principles and characteristics of the orthographic system in contemporary Portuguese.
2.2 - Writing/reading interfaces
3. - Text
3.1 - Textual mechanisms
3.2 - Pragmatic aspects of the written production
4. - Textual revisiion and editing
4. 1 - Critical areas in written production (argumentative structures, relationship between phrases, agreement, etc.).
4.2 - From production to reformulation of texts: mechanisms and supports for reviewing written production
Peres, João & Móia, Telmo , 1996 , Áreas críticas da língua portuguesa. , Lisboa: Caminho
Duarte, Inês , 2000 , Língua Portuguesa: Instrumentos de Análise. , Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
Coutinho, Maria Antónia. , 2003 , Texto(s) e competência textual , Lisboa: FCG/FCT.
Murray, Rowena & Moore, Sarah , 2006 , The Handbook of Academic Writing , McGraw-Hill Education
Sebba, Mark , 2007 , Spelling and Society: The Culture and Politics of Orthography Around the World , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Paiva Raposo, Eduardo / Maria Fernanda Bacelar do Nascimento / Maria Antónia Coelho da Mota / Luísa Segura / Amália Mendes (coords.) , 2013 , Gramática do Português, Vol.1 e Vol.2 , Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to a theoretical exposition component, through which it is expected to share knowledge produced on the contents provided in the program, the theoretical-practical component, with greater significance, is dedicated to the fulfilling of learning activities of observation, problem solving and experimentation as well as use of appropriate tools to the carry out linguistic revision and editing. An individual report of a practical activity (revision and linguistic editing of an academic / scientific text) and oral presentation (50% + 50%) will be required.