Subject: Dissertation Project / Work / Internship

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Elaborate a dissertation / work / internship project in the field of Linguistics, in one or several areas of knowledge of the language (s) under study, by selecting a relevant topic within the scope of the master's degree.
2 - Describe the various aspects of the dissertation project, taking into account the theme, objectives and the selected methodology.
3 - Design and develop a project work, aiming at an original application of knowledge and skills acquired.
4 - Build an internship project in co-articulation with a public or private host institution.


1 - The elaboration and structuring of a dissertation / work / internship project: similarities and differences, specificities of each.
2 - The dissertation project: theme, objectives, conceptual and theoretical-methodological framework, collection, compillation and delimitation of oral and written corpora, quantitative and / or qualitative data analysis, its sound interpretation and discussion of the results.
3 - The project work: definition of the contexts of application and the potential beneficiaries or public targeted, the type of the expected intervention , the material and human resources foreseen for its accomplishment and the expected results, with a view to satisfying identified social, cultural and economic aims.
4 - The internship project aims candidates' carrying out relevant professional roles, involving the application of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the curricular part of the master's degree.


J. Bell , 2002 , Como Realizar um Projeto de Investigação , Gradiva
J. E. Carvalho , 2009 , Metodologia do Trabalho Científico , Escolar Editora
C. Ceia , 2012 , Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos , Editorial Presença
U. Eco , 2007 , Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas , Editorial Presença
A. C. Gil , 2009 , Como Elaborar Projetos de Pesquisa , Atlas
J. J. C. Frada , 2009 , Novo Guia Prático para Pesquisa, Elaboração e Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos e Organização de Currículos , Edições Clinfontur
R. Quivy, L. Campenhoudt , 1995 , Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais , Gradiva Publicações
J. E. Sussams , 1998 , Como Fazer um Relatório. Textos de Apoio: Objetivos do Relatório, Estrutura e Redação, Apresentação e Sugestões de Materiais, Planeamento , Editorial Presença
C. S. Baptista, M. J. Sousa , 2011 , Como Fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios Segundo Bolonha , Pactor Editor
M. S. Michaliszyn, R. Tomasini , 2005 , Pesquisa Orientações e Normas para Elaboração de Projetos, Monografias e Artigos Científicos , Editora Vozes
F. Cristóvão , 2001 , Método. Sugestões para a Elaboração de um Ensaio ou Tese , Edições Colibri
A. J. Fernandes , 2002 , Métodos e Regras para Elaboação de Trabalhos Académicos e Científicos , Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology will consist of theoretical and practical sessions to discuss topics, concepts, methodologies, plans and projects, as well as thematic seminars, inviting several coordinators of research study areas from research centers such as CIERL, CLEPUL, CEAUL and lecturers who belong to research projects developed jointly with other national and international universities (cf. ENIEDA), as well as public and private institutions outside the University, with which internship protocols will be established to take in students, but also to encourage and support project work and even Dissertation projects. This way, the assessment of theCU will consist of the presentation and discussion of the work plan (50%) and the final individual work, which will consist of written and oral presentation of the dissertation project, work or internship report (50%).