Subject: Matrices of Western Culture

Scientific Area:

Humanistic Studies


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To understand the processes responsible for the creation, evolution and consolidation of the matrices of Western culture.
2 - To explain the historical dynamic updating, revision and disruption in the development of cultural contexts.
3 - To critically reflect on important issues raised by the current configuration of the cultural process.
4 - To acquire skills demonstrative of ability to conceive and execute projects from the reading of the historical movement that characterizes our society.


1 - Introduction: theoretical and methodological assumptions:
2 - Defining culture: diachronic synthesis.
2.1 - Distinctive features of Western culture.
2.2 - The civilizational dialogue.
3 - The classical and Judeo-Christian matrices of Western culture.
4 - The construction and evolving of the matrices of the Western culture.
4.1 - The preservation of heritage.
4.2 - The cultural diffusion: centres of culture and science
4.3 - From the citizen to the state.
4.4 - Of leisure (otium) and business (negotium).
4.5 - Mobility and interculturalism: a culture trip.
4.6 - Gender issues.
4.7 - The cult of the body and of the image.
4.8 - The narrative of the human condition: myth, philosophy, literature, arts, etc.
5 - Matrices and the challenge of globalization.


N. Ferguson , 2012 , Civilização, o Ocidente e os Outros , Civilização
I. Ferin , 2002 , Comunicação e culturas do quotidiano , Quimera
S. Huntington , 1999 , O Choque das Civilizações e a Mudança na Ordem Mundial , Gradiva
W. Jaeger , 1995 , Cristianismo Primitivo e Paidéia Grega , Edições 70
P. Kristeller , 1995 , Tradição Clássica e Pensamento do Renascimento , Edições 70
G. Lipovetsky , 2010 , O Império do Efémero , D. Quixote
R. Marques , 2000 , Breve História da Ética Ocidental , Plátano
E. Morin , 2005 , Cultura e Barbárie Europeias , Instituto Piaget
P. Nemo , 2005 , O que é o Ocidente , Edições 70
P. Sloterijk , 2008 , Palácio de Cristal , Relógio d'Água
P. Sloterijk , 2010 , Cólera e Tempo , Relógio d'Água
G. Steiner , 2005 , As Lições dos Mestres , Gradiva
A. Touraine , 2005 , Um Novo Paradigma para Compreender o Mundo de Hoje , Instituto Piaget
J.-P. Warnier , 2002 , A Mundialização da Cultura , Notícias Editorial

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical and practical lessons. The teaching of this course relies, in part, on the expositive method, with the presentation of theoretical contents of the program using support materials (selected texts), and on the analytical method, since the contents are discussed. On the other hand, students have to prepare, in groups, a written work (with oral presentation in class) on one of the points of paragraph 4 of the Program. This work is subject to evaluation. The evaluation of students learning in this course results from the classification obtained by the students in the written work (50%) and classification obtained in a written test (50%). This test is designed to assess knowledge and understanding of the matter, enabling also the evaluation of the written expression. The classification obtained in the written test can be recovered through an exam conducted at the time of appeal.