Subject: Ethics and Professional Ethics Faculty

Scientific Area:



43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Analyse the ethical dimension of the educational act
2 - Distinguish Ethics and Morals
3 - Understand the problem of meaning
4 - Understanding the ethical-political dimension of education
5 - Understand basic concepts of educational axiology
6 - Understand ethics as an educational act and education as an ethical act.
7 - Analyze the concept of citizenship education


1 - The conceptual network of action
2 - Ethics, Morals and Deontology
3 - Ethics and Policy
4 - Value as breakage
5 - Rights and Duties - Society and Person
6 - The right to difference
7 - Freedom and Responsibility / (In) Determinism
8 - Deontology and moral conscience
9 - Aristotelian Ethics - Noetic and Dianoetic Virtues
10 - Moral development - the ethical stages in Kierkegaard
11 - Educational Nihilism and the Kantian Duty
12 - Duty and citizenship
13 - Negative Education
14 - The place of paideia in contemporary education
15 - School as the State Ideological Apparatus
16 - Axiological Analysis of LBSE
17 - Ethical profile of an educator: amoralism, moralism or immoralism?


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KIERKEGAARD, S. , 2002 , Diário de um sedutor , Brasil : Martin Claret Ed
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NIETZSCHE, F. , 1997 , A Genealogia da Moral , Lisboa : Editorial Presença
NIETZSCHE, F. , 1997 , A Genealogia da Moral , Lisboa: Guimarães Editores
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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Use of active and reflective methodologies. Problem Based Learning. 2. Analytical Model and sustained sequential in PPO. Hermeneutic Model. 4. Deconstructionism. 5. Nondirective Model. 6. Dialogic model. 7. Analytical Model. 8. Critical Model. The assessment of student learning, in addition to direct observation of their participation in classroom activities, is based on the ability to independently seek information, theoretical grounding, and formal presentation of individual written work by a critical author or movement, with an academic article format, with a view to the necessary training for the subsequent elaboration of the dissertation,knowing in advance the criteria and the weights of the summative evaluation to which they will be submitted.