Subject: Research in Education

Scientific Area:



43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - This course aims to enable graduate students to draft their (pre) research projects, whose reports will be the masters dissertations. For this they should: Understand education as a field of knowledge;
2 - Understand the epistemological questions raised to research in education;
3 - Know the paradigms of educational research;
4 - Reflect on the method(s) of educational sciences;
5 - Know the techniques and tools for data collection;
6 - Know the techniques and tools for data analysis;
7 - Understand the ethical issues faced by research in education;
8 - Contact master's researches already implemented in education;
9 - Develop competencies, skills and methods of research in education;
10 - Develop communication skills with peers and the academic community


1 - Main paradigms of research in education;
2 - Quantitative and qualitative methodologies;
3 - Descriptive study and experimental study;
4 - Case studies: quantitative, qualitative, mixed and multiple;
5 - Ethnography as a method of research in education;
6 - Action research;
7 - Narrative research and its relation to the ethnography of education;
8 - Participant observation and the notebook;
9 - Research project: the problem and the research questions;
10 - The theory and the literature review;
11 - Collection and analysis of quantitative data: statistical measures; correlation and interpretation of statistical results;
12 - Collection and analysis of qualitative data: categories, criteria and interpretation of results;
13 - Issues of validity, reliability and generalizability;
14 - Ethical issues of research in education.


Bardin, L. , 2002 , Análise de conteúdo , Edições 70
Bogdan, R. & Taylor, S , 1975 , Introduction to qualitative research methods: A phenomenological approach to the social sciences , J. Wiley
Coles A. e McGrath, J. , 2010 , Your Education Research Project Handbook , Pearson Education
Jonassen, D. H. , 2008 , Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology , Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Kuhn, T. S. , 1996 , The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , University of Chicago Press
Sousa, A. , 2005 , Investigação em Educação , Livros Horizonte
Stake, R. , 2009 , A arte da investigação com estudos de caso , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Tuckman, B. , 2000 , Manual de Investigação em Educação , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Woods, P. , 1993 , La escuela por dentro? La etnografia en la investigación educativa. , Ed. Paidós.
Yin, R. , 2005 , Estudo de caso: planejamento e métodos. , Bookman
Lapassade, G. , 1991 , L' Éthnosociologie. , Méridiens Klincksieck

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The course aims to be a forum for debate and participation in which the Master's students are invited to speak and interact during and after lessons. On the other hand, the contact hours devoted to it are meager for all relevant issues to be exposed by the teacher, with proper depth. So the students will have the main responsibility of collecting and sharing part of the relevant information. The assessment of students' learning, in addition to the direct observation of their participation in classroom activities, their assessment is based on the ability to seek autonomous information and theoretical foundation evident in the realization of a research project and its presentation to the class.