Subject: Didactics of Mathematics II

Scientific Area:



123 Hours

Number of ECTS:

11,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To know the recent ministerial documents and important guidelines, understanding its use in the planning of mathematical tasks.
2 - To identify the main curricular changes and the assumptions underlying the options in the current Mathematics programme.
3 - To explore different mathematical topics using manipulatives and technologies, reflecting on possible classroom' working methodologies to be applied.
4 - To analyse, select and construct sequences of pedagogical tasks using manipulatives and technologies, aiming Mathematics' learning, in Middle and Secondary classes.
5 - Recognize the importance of mathematical connections between contents and procedures.
6 - To work autonomously and collaboratively, taking a continuous professional development perspective.


1 - The Mathematics Curriculum. Recent trends of curricular evolution in Mathematics Teaching will be studied, analysing the educational role of Mathematics and the purposes of its teaching; Mathematics Curricula in Portugal, especially the current one; ministerial documents and important guidelines.
2 - Specific didactics of mathematics curricular themes. In this unit students will have the opportunity to explore mathematical tasks, focusing on the study of the specific didactic aspects for the different mathematical contents. Adopting an holistic perspective, we will discuss the use of different resources (technological and non-technological) as well as possible working methodologies to be applied in the mathematics classroom.
2.1 - Didactic approach to Geometry study:
2.1.1 - working methodologies in the classroom (flipped learning);
2.1.2 - didactical materials and new technologies in the teaching of Geometry (mathematical software and apllets in Geogebra, calculator).
2.2 - Didactic approach to Numbers study:
2.2.1 - working methodologies in the classroom (gamming and gamification);
2.2.2 - didactical materials and new technologies in the teaching of Numbers (Calculators, Sensors, Games).
2.3 - Didactic approach to Statistics and Probability study:
2.3.1 - working methodologies in the classroom (Project-based Learning);
2.3.2 - didactical materials and new technologies in the teaching of Statistics and Probability (Calculators, PorData).
2.4. - Didactic approach to Algebra study:
2.4.1 - working methodologies in the classroom (Inquiry-based Learning);
2.4.2 - didactical materials and new technologies in the teaching of Algebra (Geogebra, Physical and on-line Calculators, Sensors, Robots).
3 - Mathematical Connections. In this unit students will have the opportunity to explore mathematical tasks aiming to stablish connections between different contents and procedures and reflecting about the relevance of those connections for learning.


B. J. Caraça , s.d , Conceitos fundamentais de Matemática. , Lisboa: Fotogravura Nacional.
Elsa Fernandes , 2013 , Aprender MAtemática e Informática com Robots (e-book) , Aprender MAtemática e Informática com Robots (e-book)
Lopes, Ana Vieira, et. al. , 1990 , Actividades Matemáticas para a sala de aula , Lisboa: Texto Editora.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) , 2007 , Princípios e normas para a matemática escolar , APM
DGE , 2018 , Aprendizagens Essenciais - Ensino Secundário , DGE
DGE , 2018 , Aprendizagens Essenciais - Ensino Básico , DGE
Grupo de Trabalho T3 , 2014 , Problemas e investigações com Tecnologia - Funções , Lisboa: APM
APM , 2017 , Princípios para a ação , Lisboa: APM
G. Oliveira Martins et al. , 2017 , Perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória , DGE
DGE , 2021 , Aprendizagens Essenciais -Ensino Básico , DGE
Canavarro, A.P.; Nunes, C.; Nunes, D. & Alves, S. , 1992 , Fractais no Ensino Secundário , Lisboa: APM

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The classes of this unit include theoretical sessions, dedicated to the introduction or synthesis of the several contents in study, and others, more frequent with a practical nature. Reflection and discussion are both fundamental elements in the developed work. Students' activity plays a central role in classes and can take several forms: practical work, participation in discussions, preparation of oral presentations, including moments where students conduct the classes by themselves. Participation in activities often includes the use of supporting materials, such as written texts and documents, manipulatives and audio-visual and technological resources. The evaluation assumes a continuous and a formative character, considering the following elements and respective weights: two practical group reports (25% each); an individual written work (30%) and two oral presentations (10% each).