Subject: Introduction to Professional Practice I

Scientific Area:

Initiation to Professional Practice


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:

4,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Analyse the Basic Law of the Portuguese Educational System and discuss the principles and values that support it.
2 - Reflect on the dynamic curriculum of the last decades in Portugal.
3 - Analyse teaching and learning situations and reflect on their effects on the teaching/learning process.
4 - Observe and analyse aspects of the reality of institutions and educational spaces.
5 - Reflect on the problems of teaching mathematics in terms of observing and analyzing classroom contexts and situations.
6 - Develop skills of inquiry, questioning and critical thinking in the context of education, in particular with regard to mathematics education.


1 - Analysis of the Basic Law of the Portuguese Educational System.
2 - Historical perspective of the curricular evolution in Mathematics in Portugal.
3 - Strategies for observing and analyzing the classroom.
4 - Critical reflection on classroom observation.


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Ministério da Educação , 2012 , A Matemática na educação básica , DGE
Procuradoria-Geral Distrital de Lisboa , 2023 , Lei de bases do sistema educativo , Ministério Público
Carvalho, A. M. P. , 1988 , A formação do professor e a prática de ensino , Biblioteca pioneira de Ciências Sociais
Ponte, J. P. , 2004 , Pesquisar para compreender e transformar a nossa própria prática , DGE
Villas Boas, B. M. F. , 2006 , Portefólio, avaliação e trabalho pedagógico , Edições ASA
DGE , 2018 , Aprendizagens Essenciais - Ensino Secundário , DGE
DGE , 2018 , Aprendizagens Essenciais - Ensino Básico , DGE
DGE , 2018 , Autonomia e flexibilidade curricular , DGE
Martins, G. O. (Coord.), Gomes, C. A. S., Brocardo, J. M. L., Pedroso, J. V., Carrillo, J. L. A., Silva, L. M. U., Encarnação, M. M. G. A., Horta, M. J. V. C., Calçada, M. T. C. S., Nery, R. F. V. e Rodrigues, S. M. C. V. , 2017 , Perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória , DGE
Ponte, J. P., Costa, F., Lopes, H., Moreirinha, O. & Salvado, D. (Orgs.) , 1997 , Histórias da aula de Matemática , Lisboa: APM
Ponte, J. P. , 2014 , Práticas profissionais dos professores de Matemática. Uma estratégia de formação de professores , Lisboa: IEUL
Quaresma, M., Ponte, J. P., Baptista, M. & Mata-Pereira, J. , 2014 , O estudo de aula como processo de desenvolvimento profissional , Braga: APM
Estrela, A. , 2010 , Teoria e prática da observação de classes. Uma estratégia de formação de professores , Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classes include moments dedicated to the introduction or synthesis of the subjects studied, and others, are of a practical nature. In the theoretical-practical classes the future teachers analyse and discuss the educational system and current curriculum of Mathematics in Portugal. Future teachers also analyse classroom episodes, collected during fieldwork or presented in video or texts, in order to reflect on teaching practice. Assessment is continuous and formative. Assessment elements include the presentation of a portfolio with a weight of 40% in the final grade and two group assignments , each with a weight of 30% in the final grade. Only the portfolio mark can be improved during the resit period/exam. Students that obtain a final grade higher than or equal to 9.5 pass the subject.