Subject: Structural Dimensioning

Scientific Area:

Civil Engineering


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Develop skills on civil engineering projects in general. Structures to be designed are reinforced concrete and steel structures.


1 - Project Methodology
2 - Design and Structural Behavior
3 - Safety measures and design criteria
4 - Seismic actions on structures
5 - Design of Steel Structures


A. Reis , Volume 2 - Folhas Teóricas ,
A. Reis , Volume 3 - Apontamentos Complementares (Exercícios das aulas práticas; Tabelas de esforços em vigas ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Oral and written presentations of the course syllabus. Application of practical examples to consolidate the theory. First Season - 2 tests with theoretical issues and practical problems related to the material taught in the discipline - has objectives to assess theoretical and theoretical and practical knowledge. The student may, during the semester, evaluate his performance and change strategies if necessary. Weight: 35% each test; Minimum: 8.00; Minimum test average: 9.50 - 1 Group Work with presentation, written and oral, related to the subjects of the discipline - its main objective is to assess theoretical and practical knowledge through reports. The weight of the group work in the final classification is 30% It allows the student to develop competencies of research work, writing, reporting and teamwork. Students with grades greater than 16 have to submit themselves to an oral test.