Subject: Teaching of Environmental Studies

Scientific Area:

Didáticas Específicas


60 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know curricular guidelines of preschool and 1st cycle of basic education, concerning area of study of the Social environment.
2 - To acquire didactic knowledge for approach of subjects of study of the Social environment.
3 - To develop didactic proposals in context of study of the environment, for preschool and basic education.
4 - To take critical and creative thinking about Social problem.
5 - To understand the relevance of an adequate science education for all, specifically in the integral development of the pupils.
6 - To recognize specificities in the approach to natural sciences in the context of Elementary Education.
7 - To promote scientific literacy and knowledge
8 - To Apply the knowledge generated in the context of educational research in pedagogical practice.
9 - To stimulate the critical analysis of materials available in various supports and encourage the construction of others.


1 - Fundamentals of Environmental Study Didactics
2 - Didactic Methodology
3 - The concept of time and change
4 - Physical and human landscapes
5 - The National Past
6 - Methods & techniques from museum and heritage
7 - Living History
8 - The nature of science
9 - Science teaching.
10 - Planning : structuring teaching / learning in teaching units
11 - Language in Science
12 - Didactic implications of aspects of the psychosomatic nature
13 - Promote students critical thinking. Theoretical framework for concrete proposals
14 - Alternative conceptions. Models of conceptual change
15 - Didactic implications of a sociological nature
16 - Practical activities. Differential forms of exploitation
17 - Educational Resources. Ways to work
18 - The evaluation
19 - How Natural Sciences and its relationship with other disciplines and educational areas
20 - Evaluation of textbooks
21 - Educational research


C. M. F. Bettencourt , 2004 , Ensino de História: Fundamentos e Métodos , Cortez
H. Cooper , 2002 , Didáctica de la Historia en la Educación Infantil y Primaria , Morata
N. Félix , 1998 , A História na Educação Básica , Ministério da Educação
A. García Blanco , 1994 , Didáctica del Museo: el Descubrimiento de los Objetos. , Ed. De la Torre
A. de la Herrán Gascón & J. Paredes Labra , 2008 , Didáctica General: la Práctica de la Enseñanza en Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria , McGraw-Hill
A. M. Monteiro et al, org. , 2007 , Ensino de História: Sujeitos, Saberes e Práticas , Mauad X, FAPERJ
M. C. Proença , 1990 , Ensinar / Aprender História: Questões de Didáctica Aplicada , Horizonte
I. C. Telmo , 1989 , O Património e a Escola: do Passado ao Futuro , Texto Editora
M. L. Poeira, R. S. de Brito , 1991 , Didáctica da Geografia , Universidade Aberta
A. van Veldhuizen , 2017 , Education: Toolkit: methods & techniques from museum and heritage education , LCM, the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland and ICOM-CECA
A. Almeida & C. Vasconcelos , 2013 , Guia prático para atividades fora da escola , Fonte da Palavra
J. Astolfi & M. Develay , 1990 , A Didática das Ciências , Papirus
A. Cachapuz , 2007 , Educação em ciência que fazer? , Ministério da Educação
D. Hodson. , 1998 , Teaching and learning Science : Towards a personalized approach , Open University Press
L. Leite et al. , 2012 , Questionamento em manuais escolares de Ciências: desenvolvimento e validação de uma grelha de análise ,
I. Martins , 2011 , Ciência e Cidadania: perspectivas de Educação em Ciência , Universidade do Minho
J. Piaget , 1980 , Lógica e conhecimento científico , Civilização
G. Portugal & F.Laevers , 2010 , Avaliação em Educação Pré-escolar. Sistema de Acompanhamento das crianças , Porto Editora
J. Sá & P. Varela , 2007 , Das ciências experimentais à literacia: uma proposta didática para o 1.º ciclo , Porto Editora
C. Vasconcelos & A. Almeida , 2012 , Aprendizagem Baseada na Resolução de Problemas , Porto Editora
M. G. P. S. Solé , 2001 , A técnica de História ao Vivo: a realização de uma feira medieval no Lindoso (didácticas e metodologias de ensino) ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The work methodology will require an active participation of the student in the search for information, either through reading and reflection, or through the preparation and evaluation of materials designed and / or implemented in the context of pedagogical practice. The approach and discussion of many of the themes will start from the analysis of texts, PowerPoint presentations or the survey of students' previous knowledge. Theoretical-practical classes will be held; discussion of support texts in small and large groups; field and experimental activities; design of activities; planning teaching / learning units. During the classes there will be debates of ideas and the presentation of small works. Module: Didactics of the Social Environment Study: Score 10; 1 work (4 elements): 60%; Work presentation: 40%. Module: Didactics of the Physical-Natural Environment Study: Score 10; participation: 20%; written work (4 elements): 45%; written work presentation: 35%.