Subject: Teaching Practice I

Scientific Area:

Supervised Teaching Practice


130 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

  • Implement a sustained pedagogical practice in a research - action methodology , aimed at meaningful integration of acquired scientific knowledge and the construction of appropriate responses to experienced educational settings ;
  • Provide insertion and contact with the reality of learning contexts under the Childhood Education / Preschool ;
  • Focus on developing a reflective attitude throughout the pedagogical intervention;
  • Mobilize positive interpersonal relations in the stage groups and the educational community;
  • Enhance collaborative work with the educational community, throughout the developed action;
  • Participate in work projects in collaboration with the educational community It follows the stage;
  • Mobilize positive interpersonal relations in the stage groups and the educational community.


Internship in pre-school education seems to us to be an entry into the professional world. Accepting the assumption that educators / teachers learn in their educational institutions their profession in a relational diversity, and given the complex nature of the educational act and the teaching profession, it is intended to enable trainee educators / teachers to exercise the profession given the dimensions professional, social and ethical, in order to ensure the development of teaching / learning from an ecological perspective and a progressively autonomous investment in its training, taking into account the Dublin descriptors, namely: (a) knowledge and understanding; b) Application of knowledge and understanding; c) Conducting judgment / decision making; d) communication; e) Self-learning skills.


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Assesssment methods and criteria:

The trainee's assessment will focus on the practical intervention (planning, development, evaluation and reflection on the educational intervention) - advice from the UMa advisor and opinion from the cooperating advisor;
The classification of the practical internship intervention should result from an agreement between the UMa Guidance and the Cooperators, resulting in the assignment of a value on a scale from zero to twenty. Approved is the student whose classification is not less than ten values.
The classification will be calculated as E = O * 0.65 + C * 0.35, where E is the final classification of the practical component of the internship, rounded to units, considering as a unit the fraction not less than five tenths; O is the grade given by the UMa Advisor on a scale from 0 to 20 and C is the grade given by the Cooperant on a scale from 0 to 20.
The grade to be assigned by the UMa advisor with a weight of 0.65% will be based on the following elements:
? Reflective report (minimum 3 pages and maximum 6) on relevant aspects of the practice with a 20% weighting to be sent to UMa's scientific advisor at the end of the internship (December 18, 2019);
? Pedagogical Practice with the weighting of 45% (supervision and analysis of the process of operationalization of pedagogical practice).
It is considered disapproved in the practical intervention of the internship the student who obtains a value of less than ten values in the classification (rounded to units, considering as a unit the fraction not less than five tenths).
The student who fails the practical intervention of the internship is prevented from delivering and performing the public tests of the report, defined in the regulations of this course.