Subject: Management and Training of Human Resources
Scientific Area:
27 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - The CU Management and Human Resources Training (MRHT) aims to convey a scientific integrated perspective, ethical and technical practice of human factor management in organizations, giving count of the specificities of the MRHT within the Educational and School Administration. Through the study of a set of knowledge and contact with a range of instruments of HRM, this course aims to provide students with the theoretical and practical appliance so they can better understand systemic and holistic manner the complexity that characterizes the professional activities of people in organizational contexts, but also act on this problem in day-to-day. At the end of CU students should know:
1.1 - Identify, choose and apply different instruments of MRHT and be able to initiate / participate in implementation.
1.2 - Understand and use SIADAP in various organizations.
1.3 - Learn innovative techniques in the selection and recruitment of human resources in schools and educational organizations.
1 - Historical background and context of the human factor in organizations and stages of HRM
2 - Aspects of the administrative management of HRM
3 - Demographics aspects and HRM
4 - HR Planning
5 - Analysis functions / Job design
6 - Recruitment and selection, R&S in Public Administration
7 - Orientation and HR development
8 - Performance evaluation systems in organizations and public administration (PESOA)
9 - Career Management
10 - Management of payment system
RODRIGUES, Ricardo Fabrício , Empresarialização: a lógica da gestão como modelo de organização da sociedade , SOCIUS
RODRIGUES, Ricardo Fabrício , 2008 , Recursos e Organizações , ALS
ARMSTRONG, M. , 2003 , Human Resource Management , London, Kogan Page
BOXALL, P., e PURCELL, J. , 2002 , Strategy and Human Resource Management , New York, Palgrave Macmillan
CHIAVENATO, Idalberto , 2004 , Recursos Humanos. O capital humano das organizações , São Paulo, Editora Atlas
ROCHA, J. A. Oliveira , 2010 , Gestão de Recursos Humanos na Administração Pública , Lisboa, Escolar Editora
SEIXO, José Manuel , 2005 , Gestão administrativa dos recursos humanos , Lisboa, Lidel
SOUSA, Maria José, DUARTE, Teresa, SANCHES, Pedro G. e GOMES, Jorge , 2006 , Gestão de Recursos humanos. Métodos e práticas, , Lisboa, Lidel
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology of the course is based on a set of interactive theorical-practical classes (TP) and seminars (S). In the first classes (TP) is exposed and discussed the theoretical framework of the course and and its main practical implicationss, while in the second (S) students will present and submit their work for discussion, in order to provide an environment of critical thinking in the classroom. The assessment of student learning in the CU is made in the periodic review system and takes into account: 1) class participation and the development of individual work (50%); 2) the development of group work with oral presentation (50%). Students with a final grade equal to or higher than 10 will be approved.