Master's Degree in Applied Biology

This cycle of studies is in accordance with the guidelines of the European Education model, as agreed in Bologna. In order to obtain the title of Master of Applied Biology, candidates must obtain 120 ECTS, which to full-time students corresponds to 4 semesters (2 academic years).
The Master’s degree in Applied Biology aims to deepen fundamental and transferable skills in the different fields of Biology, and to acquire the competencies needed to integrate the sustainable use of biological resources. For that purpose, there is a strong articulation between the many curricular units and their methodologies, favouring the use of case studies in the development of advanced knowledge in Applied Biology. This degree takes full advantage of the numerous research possibilities provided by the Madeiran archipelago, through the study of in situ
, and of synergies resulting from spin-off projects for the use of biological resources (e.g., blue economy).
This degree aims at training students to have high level critical thinking, and the ability to use and interpret scientific knowledge, with strong connection to the practical and applied aspects of biological sciences. Therefore, this master’s degree provides solid and integrated academic training, focusing on the applied aspect of biology, and develops specific and transferable skills, whether those are social, formal, methodological, scientific or ethical skills, as well as the critical thinking needed to solve today’s biological problems
Its teaching staff is composed of PhD holders from the Life Sciences faculty and of visiting specialists from other institutions, fostering a culture of proximity with its students, guiding them through their academic journey.




Duration of Studies:

4 semestres / 2 Anos

This cycle of studies is in accordance with the guidelines of the European Education model, as agreed in Bologna. In order to obtain the title of Master of Applied Biology, candidates must obtain 120 ECTS, which to full-time students corresponds to 4 semesters (2 academic years).
The Master’s degree in Applied Biology aims to deepen fundamental and transferable skills in the different fields of Biology, and to acquire the competencies needed to integrate the sustainable use of biological resources. For that purpose, there is a strong articulation between the many curricular units and their methodologies, favouring the use of case studies in the development of advanced knowledge in Applied Biology. This degree takes full advantage of the numerous research possibilities provided by the Madeiran archipelago, through the study of in situ
, and of synergies resulting from spin-off projects for the use of biological resources (e.g., blue economy).
This degree aims at training students to have high level critical thinking, and the ability to use and interpret scientific knowledge, with strong connection to the practical and applied aspects of biological sciences. Therefore, this master’s degree provides solid and integrated academic training, focusing on the applied aspect of biology, and develops specific and transferable skills, whether those are social, formal, methodological, scientific or ethical skills, as well as the critical thinking needed to solve today’s biological problems
Its teaching staff is composed of PhD holders from the Life Sciences faculty and of visiting specialists from other institutions, fostering a culture of proximity with its students, guiding them through their academic journey.




Duration of Studies:

4 semestres / 2 Anos





Career Opportunities and Employability

Those who successfully graduated from the master's degree in Applied Biology are qualified to take part in projects and scientific research teams in the numerous scientific and technological fields of Biology. Graduates will be capable of effectively communicating the scientific information to different audiences, being also able to integrate the job market. This degree provides not only professional valorisation, but also the technical-scientific ability needed for the admission in doctorate degrees. The academic training obtained in this master’s degree takes advantage of the biodiversity of a recognized insular environment included in the Macaronesia region, constituting a relevant factor in the connection with other archipelagos and institutions. This factor contributes to the inclusion of graduates in the job market.


This degree is aimed at those who are holders of an undergraduate degree or legal equivalent in Biology, Forest Engineering, Agronomic Engineering, Zootechnical Engineering or other related fields; holders of an international undergraduate academic degree that follows the Bologna Process principles in the mentioned fields; holders of an international academic degree recognized by the Scientific Council of the Life Sciences Faculty as meeting the objectives of an Undergraduate degree in the mentioned areas; holders of a school, scientific or professional curriculum relevant for the attendance of this master’s degree, recognized as such by the Scientific Council of the Life Sciences Faculty.
A B2 English level in English is required in terms of understanding, speaking and writing.

* The information on this page does not preclude consultation of the Degree’s Curriculum in Diário da República.

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Degree accredited for 6 years, from 31/07/2019.. Check this degree’s evaluation >