Subject: Policy, Legislation and Biodiversity

Scientific Area:



55 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Introduce the student to the main aspects of the European and national environmental legislation, with special emphasis on biodiversity
2 - Acquire skills needed to deal with Portuguese, European and International environmental legislation (especially that relates to biodiversity).
3 - Contact with different views on Biodiversity namelythe ones of the legislators, the managers, the NGOs, and understand its reflection in the european, national and regional politics.
4 - Analyze ethical values of biodiversity.
5 - The skills to be acquired by students are to: -Knowledgeof the legislation relating to biodiversity; -Develop the skills of analysis and synthesis; -Stimulate critical thinking.


1 - Historical perspective of the public policies for the biodiversity management and conservation.
2 - Comparison of policies and legislation in national and community strategies. International affairs in the environmental field. Directives and Conventions.
3 - The environment and the economy. Biodiversity and bio-opportunity. Funding programs for biodiversity conservation.
4 - The environment and the organizations. The Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations. Evolution of the environmental strategies of the organizations.
5 - Instruments supporting environmental management. Tools for environmental management. Normalization, accreditation and certification. Processes and methodologies. Norms.
6 - Biodiversity and ethics. Biodiversity values. Justifications for the biodiversity conservation. Environmental ethics.
7 - Territorial Planning Policies. Economic Politics of urbanism and spatial planning in Portugal. National parks, nature conservation and spatial planning.


Bingre , 2008 , 1965, Ano da Morte do Urbanismo em Portugal ,
Bingre , 2011 , Esboço descritivo da Economia Política do Urbanismo e Ordenamento do Território em Portugal. , Cabi Publishing
D. Schmidtz & E. Willott , 2002 , Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What really works , Oxford University Press
Sellars , 1987 , Preserving Nature in the National Parks. , Yale University Press
D. Van DeVeer & C. Pierce , 1998 , The Environmental Ethics and Policy Book: Philosophy, Ecology, Economics, 2ª ed , International Thomson Publishing
Governo da República , Decreto-Lei n.º 380/99, de 22 de Setembro. (Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial). ,
Governo da República , Lei n.º 48/98, de 11 de Agosto. (Lei de Bases do Ordenamento do Território) ,
Pinto, A. , 2012 , Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental- Guia para a sua implementação. , Edições Sílabo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The contents are transmitted through lectures and where possible interacting with students. Some content will be addressed through group discussion and study of specific cases. In some thematics teaching is centered on group works / project, gathering information, researching or experiences to get a global knowledge of the subject and a critical reflection. In others, a structured discussion is used to promote active learning through critical thinking. The application of knowledge, analytical capability, problem-solving skills, comprehension, speed and quality of execution of tasks will be assessed in the evaluation moments. The evaluation consists of two frequencies corresponding to 40% of the final grade, and a working group whose mark will correspond to 60% of the final grade, subdivided in 30% for its oral presentation in a seminar format and 30% for the written report.